Page 31 of Princes & Wolves

“Can’t or won’t?”

“Both?” I appreciated the uncertainty in his voice.

I nodded. “Let me in.”

He shook his head. “You don’t want to go in there.”

“Why not? Has he got a Magdalen in there?”

Fender seemed to rethink hiding things from me, but he stuck to his guns. “Just trust me, please.”

I paused in my attempts to get by him and really looked at him. “Just tell me. Has he got a Magdalen in there?” I demanded.

Fender paled but did an expert job of holding his own. “Miss Van–”

“Don’t ‘Miss Vanguard’ me, Fender,” I warned him, my tone icy.

I saw his visibly gulp. “They…uh…”

“They?” I clarified and he nodded.

I felt anger boiling. If this was another one of Apollo’s orgies, then I was going to… Well, I didn’t know what I was going to do. I didn’t feel betrayed by him, but I was feeling cheated that I was right fucking here, I wanted to have sex with him, and he was still choosing Magdalens over me.

I shoved Fender aside and threw open Apollo’s door. Orgy was about as good a word for what it was going to be in a few minutes as anything else. There were a lot of clothes still on, but there were also a lot of cocks in mouths already.

“Luis!” I heard Apollo cry, then his muttered, “Fuck, Harlow?”

I finally found him. He pushed the Magdalen’s head away from his crotch and I was gratified to see his zipper was still up. For now.

I didn’t want a confrontation in front of all these deflating cocks. I didn’t have the guts to order everyone out. All I did was frown at him like I planned to murder him in his sleep, turn on my heel, and storm right back out, slamming the door behind me.

“I did try to warn you,” Fender said apologetically.

Like Valen and Marco, Fender had perfected the ‘I’m saying one thing with my words and another with my tone’ thing. He was apologetic that he’d not told me, apologetic he’d had to side with his God, but also not apologetic he would never waver from that. I had to give him credit for his loyalty, and he deserved it. I just couldn’t decide if it was a more organic loyalty and less obsessive than Valen’s loyalty to Apollo, or more so.

I took a deep breath, then trained a smile on him and ran my hand down my front like I needed to smooth my uniform. “Thank you, Fender. But if you thinkthataffects my sensibilities, then you clearly don’t know me as well as you think you so.”

One corner of his lips tugged. “Even if it’s your thing, doesn’t mean you want to walk in on it without warning.”

I nodded, feeling it useless to point out that hecouldhave warned me. “No. There is that. Although, I’m not sure that is my thing.”

Fender didn’t seem surprised by that, but he did seem surprised I’d admitted it out loud.

The door opened behind me, and Apollo nearly ran into me in his hurry to come after me. “Babe.”

“Oh, you came after me this time? Good to know,” I spat at him. “Just go and sink your cock in whichever Magdalen spreads her legs the fastest. I certainly won’t be lining up for the ‘honour’.” I used air quotes and everything.

He’d left the door open, so I knew a few people inside heard. Not that I was aiming to keep my voice inconspicuous or anything. Now, he closed it.

“What is wrong with you?” Apollo hissed, looking to Fender like he shouldn’t be listening. In Fender’s defence, he tried to look like he wasn’t listening while still not leaving his post.

“What’s wrong with me?” I hissed back. “I don’t know, Apollo. You tell me. Whatiswrong with me?”

He looked like he had no idea what I was talking about, and I didn’t blame him. “What?”

I shook my head. “Nothing. I’m sorry I interrupted yourparty. You go in and have a lovely time.” I threw my most saccharine sweet smile at him and turned to leave, making for the cheeky service stairs.

But, surprise, surprise, Apollo actually continued following me. I wanted to feel a little bit of hope at that. Was he actually choosing me for once instead of…absolutely anyone else?

E.J. Knox's Novels