Page 34 of Princes & Wolves

It was hard not to wonder if he was like this with the others, and hope that his mask wouldn’t allow that. I’d always imagined – and the few times I’d witnessed, I was right – that it was more clinical, more about dominance and superiority and this sense of gravity that the Saints and Angels were expected to exude to maintain their aura of dark and dangerous fearsomeness.

But this wasn’t that Apollo. He looked at me with a determination in his eyes that he was going to fuck me hard and rock my world, but he also looked at me like we’d just nearly broken something mattress surfing down the stairs at his father’s estate. My heart swelled as I reached down to help him back onto the bed and I felt nothing but love for the man in front of me.

Apollo grabbed something out of his pocket, then took my hand and crawled back over me with a wicked smirk.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked me solemnly.

I nodded. “Very sure and, if you ask even just once more, I might change my mind out of spite and we’ll both be incredibly pissy.”

He laughed. “Noted. Thank you for your consent, ma’am.”

I snorted as he reached down between us. “Thank you for your consent? Do you say that to all the girls?”

He shrugged. “Usually they sign a waiver, so consent is in writing.”

He leant down to kiss me and I put a hand on his chest. “Hang on.”

“What?” he asked.

His cock was hovering at my entrance and part of me really wanted to just tilt my hips and let him in. The other part of me needed some clarification.

“You have a…contract with your Magdalens?” I asked.

He looked like it was the most normal thing in the world. I guessed to him – to them – it was. On too many levels, it made sense. On the other hand, he was barely eighteen and already had who knew how many contracts with how many women, girls? Somewhere, there was a legitimate record of the number of people he’d fucked.

“How much of that is to please your father?” I asked him, my tone icier than I’d intended.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“How much of your number of conquests is just to show your father you’re playing your role?”

I didn’t know why, but his answer felt very important. I wasn’t even sure I wanted a specific answer. I just knew that I needed one.

Apollo looked down at me and I saw the concern in his eyes. “It’s my life, Harlow,” he said quietly. “How I was taught to be. I don’t know how to be anything else, but…” He paused and ran his nose over mine. “But I hope I’ll learn another way…from you.”

Well, that was definitely not what I’d expected him to say, and I was going pay that. Yep. That was, hands down, unobjectively, a pretty good answer. I couldn’t fault it.

“I guess I don’t need to ask where my contract is,” I teased, not wanting to delve any further into where his words had the potential to lead us.

He smirked. “I don’t think there’s a sex clause in our contract.”


“Yet,” he agreed.

“So, one could say that I’m…recreational?” I joked.

“Desired,” he corrected me, and that desire dripped from his words as our bodies shifted against each other.

He throbbed at my centre, and I ran my hands slowly over his back as we looked into each other’s eyes.

“Not an obligation,” I ventured.

“Definitely not an obligation,” he agreed. “I wantyou, Harlow.”

He dipped his head and kissed me deeply. I tipped my hips to meet him, and he slid into me slowly. His hand went to my thigh, and he coaxed my leg higher around his hip as he slid strong and sure and steady into me. His lips never left me; my lips, my cheek, my neck. He held himself up on one arm, but the other trailed over my body until he dragged his fingers over my clit. My back arched in pleasure, and I felt his smile against me. His finger circled my clit as sure and steady as his thrusts.

The whole thing was slow burn, but it was no less amazing for it. I felt honestly closer to him than I ever had, not just physically. I felt worshipped and wanted and appreciated. My orgasm was slow building, the crescendo taking me by surprise and falling over me like a warm blanket. It filled me up and left me with this lazy feeling of happiness and softness. But Apollo didn’t stop there.

E.J. Knox's Novels