Page 36 of Princes & Wolves

“Is that why you’re here? You’re playing messenger boy?” I asked.

Another of those almost apathetic shrugs. “I play whatever role I’m asked.”

“Figures you’d be into roleplay,” Florence muttered.

“We all get…job satisfaction different ways,” he said, and I still couldn’t tell if he’d intended the ‘job’ to sound like he was talking about something else, or if that was just who Fender was as a person.

We got breakfast and Fender sat across from us. I noticed that Marco, Valen and Gage were also noticeably absent.

“Where is everyone?” Florence asked in general.

I frowned. “Is this one of those times God and his Angels are up to shady shit and one of you is set to protect me?” I asked Fender.

“Couldn’t rightly say,” was Fender’s answer.

“Can’t or won’t?”

He gave me a flash of a cheeky grin above his coffee mug. “Both?”

I leant towards him. “Fender?” I started.

“Mm?” he answered, mimicking my lean.

“Is it your mission to be terribly unhelpful?”

“I’m not unhelpful, Miss Vanguard,” he told me as he sat back and pulled out his vape pen. “I’m doing exactly what I need to do, even ifthat…affects your sensibilities.” There was a gleam of shit-stirring in his eyes, and I had to be impressed.

“Fine,” I told him with an acknowledging nod; he’d won this round. “Is ithelpfulto keep from us how long we’ll have your company?”

He shook his head as he blew smoke up over it. “They should be done by lunch.”

By said lunch, I was starting to worry. Fender was the only Angel to be seen all morning and God was markedly missing. I didn’t know why I’d expected whatever they were doing to mean they’d at least be visible on campus, but it was worrying me nonetheless.

Fender, as our shadow for the day, Florence and I were all walking into the dining hall, and I was telling myself that I wasn’t looking for any sign of God or his Angels.

So, when Apollo’s arms wound around me and his voice was in my ear saying, “Hello, gorgeous,” I breathed a little easier.

I wrapped my arms over his and smiled. “Hi. You guys missed a spectacular morning break.”

“Did we?” he asked as he put his arm around my shoulder, and we walked to our table.

Florence nodded for me. “Your heir’s little cherubim decided to have a wee scuffle at their table.”

“Exie got raspberry jam all over her face,” I added.

“Tyson tried breaking it up and his top little cherub ended up accidentally punching him in the face,” Florence continued.

“And Triss retaliated by kneeing Ryko in the crotch,” I finished.

Apollo smirked, always amused by the younger Saints antics. “Sounds eventful. Ryko get a new challenger?”

I shook my head. “Don’t think so. Looked like a fight over a girl.”

“That’ll do it,” Apollo said. “Eh, boys?” He chuckled as he smacked Valen companionably and Valen audibly choked on the vape he was inhaling.

“That’ll do it,” Marco agreed enthusiastically.

As we walked to our table, Apollo couldn’t keep his hands off me. Running them over my body, even when it tickled and made me laugh. And he was all smiles. Obviously, whatever they’d been up to that morning hadn’t put a dampener on what had happened the day before.

E.J. Knox's Novels