Page 44 of Princes & Wolves

“Why is that?”

“Because you will always be mine.”

He wrapped me in his arms and whispered in my ear, “For once, I approve of the double standards.”

“Does the big, bad wolf like that?” I purred in his ear as I rode him faster.

He sucked in a breath. “I love it.”

He captured my lips with his and our previously lazy pace grew frenetic. I sat up to give me better leverage and watched with increasing pleasure as the big, bad wolf came undone for the little princess.

Valen sat up to hold me tight as he thrust into me powerfully.



I came hard and he wasn’t long behind me, his head on my shoulder and his hands splayed on my back. We sat there, his head on my chest and I kissed his temple. I felt a small smile on his lips before he toppled backwards, taking me with him. I rearranged to lie beside him with my leg over his and my head on his chest.

As I leant there, I thought about Apollo’s words from weeks ago. “Would you change anything if you could?”

He kissed my hair. “You deserve the world, but I can’t give it to you.”

“You don’t want to–?”

“I can’t, princess. I’m a trained killer. You should be taken on…last-minute dinner dates in Paris, or dancing in Spain. Apollo can give you the world. I can’t.”

My hand cupped his jaw. “Apollo’s never thought about giving me the world.”

“Not yet, but he will.”

He seemed very sure about that. I wasn’t. I didn’t doubt Apollo would end up giving me the world, but I couldn’t be so sure that it would be for the right reasons. He hadn’t been raised that way.

All I knew just then was that Apollo hadn’t thought about giving me the world when he easily could. But Valenhadthought about it. Even if he didn’t think he could give it to me, he thought I deserved it. And that counted for a lot.

Valen sighed. “I should go, princess.”

“Do you have to?”

He sat up and stretched his neck. “Yes. Or I won’t leave at all, and Florence would fucking kill me for leaving her out in the cold all night. Let her know she can come back.” His phone buzzed again, and he picked it up to deal with it. “Yeah?” he answered.

I grabbed mine and went to check on his stuff in the bathroom under the guise of giving him some privacy, and shot off a text to Florence before picking up my bathrobe and pulling it on.

“I’ll sort it,” I heard Valen saying. “Sure. What else am I gonna do on a Friday night? Have a life? Don’t fucking start, Marco. I said I’ll be there. Just save some of the fuckers for my blade, yeah? Cheers.”

“Your stuff’s still kinda wet,” I said from the bathroom, trying to gauge whether that meant his call was done or not.

He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my stomach, planting a kiss on my neck. “I can sort that before I go?” he offered cheekily as one hand danced down my leg to play with the hem of my robe.

I laughed and span in his arms. “As tempting as that offer is, Florence is on her way back already and I would feel very shit if I asked her to wait a minute.”

“Minute?” he asked, all affronted. “Have I not performed to her highness’ standards?”

I smirked. “We both know you have. And we both know there’s barely enough time left in the night for all the things you could do to me.”

His eyes were dark, and I got the feeling he was so close to asking me if I wanted to continue this in his room. His room, his bed, where we wouldn’t be disturbed. And I was so close to saying yes.

But it was dangerous enough that he was here, that we’d spent as long together as we already had. I didn’t owe Apollo anything, but Valen’s life was literally in his God’s hands. Plus, Marco was waiting on him for something that sounded important.

E.J. Knox's Novels