Page 49 of Princes & Wolves

Marco obviously realised that his boss wasn’t in the mood for jokes, so he just gave me a teasing grimace of ‘oh dear, we’re in trouble now,’ and slipped into the lift behind me.

Once the doors were closed, Valen and I just stared at each other for the longest time. My heart thundered in my chest, and I saw he was breathing heavily as well.

“Valen...” I started, not at all sure how to continue.


I took a few steps towards him. “Just... We’ve never talked about...”

“About what?”


His eyes widened “If you’re about to tell me you’re pregnant...”

I frowned. “Then, what?”

“Then I’m a dead man.”

The way he said it, it didn’t sound like hyperbole, and a shot of panic ran through me. “Really?”


The way he didn’t seem to care made me want to show him I didn’t care either. Even if I cared more than I should. “Well maybe you should have thought about that before you fucked me bare?”

“Maybe,” he said slowly as he took a step towards me, “I thought the risk was worth it.”

My nipples tightened. But it was not the time to beg him to throw me against the nearest surface and take that risk right now.

“Now,” he continued before I got my thoughts together. “Am I a dead man or not?”

“Not,” I said quickly. “A doc in Bieityn gives me an injection four times a year and I don’t even get a period.”

He nodded like that was the end of it. “Okay.”

“But that...” I petered off at the look he gave me. Somehow humoured and yet daring me to test him by continuing. It had to be done. “Pregnancy’s not the only reason to There are other reasons that a contraceptive shot doesn’t cover.”

He nodded again. “I’m aware.”

“So?” I pressed, annoyed with myself that I’d never really thought about it before now. Or maybe I’d just neverwantedto think about it before now.

He sighed. “I can give you the flippant answer, or the deeper answer, love. Take your pick.”

“Since when do I get to choose what you say to me?”

“Since I’m in a giving mood. I get like that when I have a brush with death.”

Had he honestly thought he was a dead man just now? Who would kill him if he knocked me up – his father, Apollo, Archer? What exactly had gone through his mind at the idea of me pregnant with his child? And why was the idea not entirely unappealing to me?

“Which one’s true?” I asked, ignoring all my other questions.

“They’re both true,” he said carefully.

“Fine,” I said. “Then, I want both.”

“Both isn’t an option.”

“I say it is.”

E.J. Knox's Novels