Page 55 of Princes & Wolves

Valen looked at Apollo like that was all the explanation needed.

“Stand together. Stand together,” Frenella said as she got her phone out.

Not one to disobey the woman who let him sleep on her nice linen, Valen took his place at Apollo’s side for a photo. Valen with his present jumper and Apollo with his Christmas tree jumper. They were light and dark, but somehow made total sense.

“Harlow, dear, hop in the middle,” Frenella said, waving me in.

I paused, then my mum was agreeing and even Archer told me good naturedly to hurry up.

I slid in between the guys and Apollo put his hand around my shoulder instantly. My right hand hung perilously close to Valen’s left behind my leg. His fingers brushed mine imperceptibly.

“Oh, lovely smile, Harlow,” Frenella said, and my cheeks heated. “All right. Wonderful. Done.”

The three of us moved awkwardly away from each other, and Apollo started handing out presents like an over-exuberant Father Christmas. I half expected to see one from Valen sitting in my pile, but it never appeared. I wondered even more what it was that he hadn’t wanted me to have it in front of others.

“And Valk,” Apollo said finally. “This one’s from the lot of us.”

“To say thank you,” Frenella offered.

“A token for your service,” Archer added.

“I knew if we got your more than one present, you’d kill me,” Apollo finished.

Valen frowned as he took the large box from Apollo. Inside was a set of black and white marble inlaid guns, with black leather holsters decorated with silver. And a matching hunting knife and sheath.

“It’s fucking beautiful,” Valen said, looking at them. “Thank ye.”

Archer inclined his head. “We can hardly expect you to protect our son with substandard weaponry.”

Valen clearly had thoughts about Archer’s summation and shot a look to Apollo, whose answering look suggested he leave it alone.

“If you want to try them out, Cortas has set up the shooting gallery,” Archer told him.

Valen looked like he’d take him up on it if only to get out of an awkward situation. “I might just do that.”

The rest of us set to opening our presents. I got the usual tat of expensive perfume, another strand of pearls I’d never wear, a book on home maintenance like I was a fifties housewife with a normal life, and two tickets to Scotland.

“For Cousin Darcie’s wedding,” Mum said, smiling.

Dad seemed to think the idea of going to Cousin Darcie’s wedding was a stupid idea. But of course, he did. It wasn’t his family.

“You’ll be taking Apollo, of course,” Mum said.

I forced a smile. “Of course.” I mean, Ihadbeen planning to take Florence, but sure.

I went to give her a hug, because I wasn’t going to be ungrateful, even if she’d only given me the tickets to force my dad to let us go. Not that he would have physically restrained us or anything, but he’d have tried something on to keep us home. But then Scotland had never been a Vanguard thing, it had been a my mum’s family thing.

Turning to go back to my seat, I realised Apollo was standing up as well. I gave him a questioning smile…that didn’t stay on my face long.

“Harlow…” Apollo started as he reached into a pocket and dropped to one knee in front of me.

Mum and Frenella made appropriate coos of excitement and clapped their hands, and our fathers were already murmuring their obligatory congratulations. Because it was inconceivable that I’d say no. No one in the room except me had any idea that ‘no’ was even a remote possibility.

Apollo held a ring box out to me and opened the lid. On his face was the hazy smile of the besotted and utterly contented. In his eyes was a depth of adoration and a teasing ‘I know it’s just a formality for the parents’ glint that I didn’t share in. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I suddenly felt very hot. My cheeks burned and I felt like I was going to throw up.

Movement from the door caught my eye and I saw Valen stop dead in his tracks, his eyes pinned on me and, more importantly, Apollo on his knee in front of me. The mince pie he was in the process of lowering from his lips dropped from his hand. Without taking his eyes off me, he caught it, after a single fumble, and he seemed to choke on the pie he had in his mouth.

Apollo looked back at him with a smirk. “First time eating?” he asked.

E.J. Knox's Novels