Page 62 of Princes & Wolves

He planted his right hand next to my head like it was a threat against even the idea of moving, as his hips pinned me to the wall at my back. I couldn’t look at his face, so I stared at his arm and wished to any power above that someone would come down this rarely used passageway.

He had what looked like a fresh tattoo on the inside of his arm. It was a black rose, but the bottom of the stem looked like an upside down cross, and there was a pentagram behind it. By the time I dared to breath, I think I’d committed it to memory.

“Brave of you to be out and about alone,” he hissed in my ear, and I tried to repress the shiver than ran through me at the feeling of his breath on my face.

“This is to be my house,” I said, forcing a courage I didn’t feel a shred of. “I should be free to be wherever I like.”

“I’ve been waiting to get you alone, little princess.”

I took a deep breath, my chest inadvertently pressing against his and he grinned. I didn’t know if he was more pleased about the closeness of my tits, or the fact I was terrified and doing a piss poor job of hiding it.

“You can fight me all you want, but I’ll have you screaming in pleasure before I’m done.” He took my face in his hand and forced me to look into his eyes. “There’s no one here to save you now.”

Kane’s hands were on the skin of my legs, scrabbling to get into my pants. His breath was hot in my ear. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to unfreeze enough to get him off me. To say something. To fight back. To scream for help. But I couldn’t. Fear gripped me. I knew without a doubt that Kane Kincaid was about to ruin my life and I wasn’t doing a single thing about it. Except maybe surviving.

“Kane,” came a barked voice. A voice the recessed consciousness in my head knew.

“Get out of here,” Kane said lazily to him.

A hand grabbed the back of Kane’s collar and wrenched him away from me. I recognised who was attached to that hand and he had no qualms throwing his brother violently against the floor.

Neo Kincaid was the heir to the Kincaid family business. Like his younger half-brothers, he was built for damage. At twenty-nine, he was taller even than Valen and had similar colouring; dark hair but pale blue eyes in place of Valen’s grey ones. He exuded a quiet fury that surpassed even his father’s mastery. He was the spitting image of what I imagined Valen would be in ten years. Neo knew he was the most powerful force and most violent man in any room he walked into.

Although, I wondered about this particular room because Kane had always had an air of insanity about him that I was convinced made him more dangerous than any other man I knew.

“What?” Kane laughed – actually laughed – as he held up his hands and looked up at Neo.

Neo’s eyes narrowed on his brother. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he asked, his voice quiet.

Like Kane, Neo terrified me. Like Valen, I knew that Neo would never hurt me. He was cold and detached but had never once given me the creeps. So, as far as Kincaid men were concerned, Neo was far favourable to Kane.

“Just having some fun,” Kane said, pulling himself off the floor.

He took a step towards me, and Neo slid between us, as fluid as a dancer. “She is off-limits to you, Kane.”

“The Callahan brat will be busy putting it into whatever whore he could get his hands on. He won’t mind me having one taste.”

Neo took a step towards Kane, towering over him with more than just height. “You do not touch her.”

I could almost mistake Neo for caring, but he just sounded bored. I didn’t know why he’d bothered stepping in, because he clearly didn’t give a shit about what happened to me. Then again, Kincaid family obligation was real, and I guessed he was doing Valen’s job where he thought Valen had failed. A failed contract on the part of any Kincaid would no doubt be considered a failure by all of them, and I didn’t much like to think about what Cillian might do if he ever found out one of his sons had failed a contract.

“You can’t babysit me every hour of the day,” Kane taunted Neo.

“No,” he admitted, a taunt of his own. “But someonecanbabysit Miss Vanguard every hour of the day.”

Kane’s face fell, but he rallied like a fucking pro. “You going to tell little bitty Valen how close I came to defiling his God’s new fiancée?”

Neo took another step towards Kane andIfucking trembled. “Valen would kill you for so much as looking at her. Thank me for sparing your life by walking the fuck away. Now.”

Kane seemed to know that he’d lost this battle, but it felt like the war was just starting. Neo seemed to think the same. After Kane had left, Neo whirled on me.

“Neverbe alone when Kane is around.”

Like Valen, Neo seemed to say a lot with few words. Neo also seemed to realise what Kane was capable of and now it was clear what he wanted as well. I think I’d always known what Kane wanted from me, but I’d never wanted to acknowledge it. Now I had to. And now I knew he’d take it at any chance he could get, and it wouldn’t matter what I thought about it.

I nodded quickly when Neo’s eyes widened like he was waiting for an answer. “No. I won’t.”

“And do not breathe a word of this to anyone. Especially Valen.”

E.J. Knox's Novels