Page 78 of Princes & Wolves

“If she has nothing to hide, she’d tell us what she was doing,” Valen said firmly, as though that put an end to the matter.

“Do not mistake my silence for anything other than tiredness, Valk,” I warned him, my voice low and even. “Florence and I went out. Is that a crime?”

“You have been warned–” Valen said quietly.

“About what?” Apollo asked pointedly as he looked between us all.

I raised my eyebrow at Valen, the corner of my lip going with it. If Valen wanted to truly reprimand me, then he was going to have to tell Apollo that this wasn’t the first time I’d had a run-in with people wanting to use me to get to Apollo. The ball was clearly in my court because, for whatever reason, Valen and Marco seemed loathe to do that.

When Valen didn’t answer, Apollo sighed, “All right, we’re done here, Valk. This isn’t an interrogation. Harlow’s done nothing wrong.”

Valen turned a steely glare on him. Valen clearly though someone had done something wrong, and I was done with him throwing his weight around after everything he’d said to me.

“If you’ve got something to say, Wolf,” I said to him scathingly. “Say it plainly. I realise monogamy is a new concept for the likes of the Saints, but that doesn’t make it a myth.”

Valen’s eyes narrowed. “I would watch who you provoke, Miss Vanguard,” he said, his tone dripping venom. “We pledged loyalty to our God,nothis bride.”

And with that, everything that was the hulking form of Valen Kincaid swept out of the room and it felt like everyone left behind breathed slightly easier.

“You need sleep, missus,” Marco said kindly.

I felt a smirk rise unbidden. “Says the man who got plenty.”

He shrugged. “Maybe you take the blade next time and get the sleep, eh?”

I smiled. “Maybe I will.”

“I’ll take you back to your room,” Apollo said to me.

I nodded wearily and let him help me out of the chair. He said nothing as we walked to my dorm room, up the stairs, and to my door where Fender was still on duty.

“How is she?” I asked him.

He inclined his head. “I pop my head in every half hour or so. She’s getting pretty sick of me waking her up, but doc’s orders were to make sure she hasn’t got a concussion and that’s what I’m doing.”

“Thanks, Fender,” I said as I walked into the room and dropped onto my bed.

“I’ll send Gage to take over,” Apollo said to Fender.

“You’re not staying?” I asked him.

He shook his head. “No. I’ve… I’m so glad you’re safe, Harlow. I…need to go and debrief with Valk, though.”

I felt like that wasn’t the real reason, but I decided not to push him. I was too tired to bother anyway. It felt like, whatever it was, it could wait until I’d slept.

† † † †

When I found them all later that day, God and his Angels were regaling anyone who would listen with stories of Marco and Fender’s bravery. They were in Apollo’s room and the door was open and it seemed like people were streaming in and out for the story.

Based on their usual adventures, I didn’t believe this could be their most exciting, but Apollo was acting like it was the most amazing and daring rescue in history. I smiled to see him, thinking this was what he felt for me. To him, itwasthe most amazing and daring rescue in history because they’d rescued me for him.

As I made my way through the crowd to Apollo, a Magdalen stepped in front of me.

“Yes?” I asked.

“Rumour is you’ve got a pussy made of gold,” she sneered at me. “To keep him so enthralled. But those of us who know better know it’s not your pussy, but Daddy’s bank account.”

I stiffened. I’d expected the Magdalens to fire back at me for cock-blocking them lately, I just wished they hadn’t decided to do it the day after I’d been kidnapped by insane wankers.

E.J. Knox's Novels