It's the please he tacks onto the end that finally breaks through to me. I don't say another word as I hear the line click dead again.

I sit there for a moment in stunned silence, wondering what this could possibly be. Did my employer just get me a new apartment because I told him someone broke into my old one? And why the crap would he do something like that? Is it just because I'm his personal assistant and he doesn't want anything to happen to me? I mean, he does have someone come and drive me to work every day too, so maybe this is just another one of the perks of working for someone as powerful as Stephan?

I don't know, but this is insane.

But I have to admit that I don't much savvy the thought of going back to that apartment after what happened last night.

I bite my lip before I finally sigh incredulously and put myself into motion, gathering up my things and then walking outside to do as Stephan told me.

Just as Stephan said, there's a driver waiting for me. He takes me to the other side of town—the ritzy side, the side that I could never in a million years afford to live in. He pulls up outside a swanky-looking apartment building, but he doesn't just drop me off. He escorts me up to one of the top floors to make sure I get inside my apartment okay. I'm pretty sure I won't have to worry about someone busting into my apartment here because this is one of those upscale joints where you have to have a special keycard to even make the elevator go up to your floor.

I walk inside my new apartment and gasp at the grandeur that meets me. It's pre-furnished with high-end furniture and at least three times as big as my last apartment, with floor-to-ceiling windows looking out over a beautiful city skyline.

I plop my ass onto the couch as my legs give out on me and look around in a dazed sort of stupefaction.

What the hell?



It'sa good thing that she went willingly because there's no way in hell I was going to accept no as an answer. I'm not okay with her going back to that piece of shit she's been staying in.

I'm watching her now via the live feed I have streaming over my phone, and a sense of calmness settles within me to see her safe in the little gilded cage I've set her up in.

Of course, I had the apartment I secured for her outfitted with cameras. She doesn't know that, though, nor does she know her apartment is right underneath my penthouse suite in the same building.

I own the building too, so I can make sure it's run the way I want it and that she'll be perfectly safe. She doesn't know that either, and she doesn't need to.

A smile tugs at the corner of my lips as I watch her sitting on the couch with her mouth slightly agape. She pinches herself and looks around.

I chuckle.There's so much more where that came from, my little angel.

I'll give her everything her heart desires. She just doesn’t know what all I'd do for her.

She walks over to the window and gazes out upon the city skyline. The lights are illuminating up the dark night, and even after all these centuries, I can appreciate the beauty of it all, especially when I see it through her eyes like this.

Seeing how in awe she is of everything reminds me of what it was like to experience things for the first time.

She's so young and innocent.

And delicate.

My jaw clenches when I think of the scum that broke into her apartment last night. They won't be doing that again, but still, this gives me a reason to have her closer to me. I already feel more at ease knowing she's near.

I watch her as she steps slowly about the apartment, running her fingertips over the surfaces in awe. She makes her way into the bedroom and over to the closet where her little brows furrow as she opens it and sees all the clothing in there.

I had her things moved from her old apartment, and while that might seem a bit excessive, I'm hoping she'll just accept it for what it is and chalk it up to another one of her boss's eccentricities. Tempted as I was to stock her closet with completely new designer labels, I don't want to freak her out any more than I probably already am. Plus, I don't want her to think that I have anything against her clothing. There's nothing wrong with what she wears. She'd look beautiful in a burlap sack, but she just deserves so much better.

And I would love to give it all to her.

My throat goes dry when I watch her remove her blouse and skirt. She's left in nothing but a simple pair of white bra and panties—much like she was wearing that very first night I undressed her. They're cotton, not lace or satin or anything frivolous. But my God, if the sight of her in those simple undergarments isn't the most erotic thing I've ever seen in my entire life—and death.

I've never seen a vision more lovely. My cock is instantly hard, and I groan at the sudden, intense pressure of it, palming myself roughly.

She bends over to pick up her clothing where she dropped it on the floor. Her sweet, round ass is popped up in the air, the cotton pulled taut over the firm globes.

Holy fucking hell!