I let out a sigh. He's being way too generous.

"Stephan—" I try again.

He interrupts me again. "Don't worry about it."

I chew on my lip for a moment. "Are you sure?" I finally ask him, completely baffled and overwhelmed by his generosity.

His voice has a hint of amusement in it when he answers back, "I can certainly afford it, I assure you. It's no trouble. Plus, I like to know my employees are safe."

"I don't know what to say," I admit softly.

"Just say you'll stay there where you'll be safe." His voice is somber, like my safety is paramount to him.

And I'd be lying if I said that a small part of me doesn't bask in that. It's nice knowing that somebody cares about my safety, even if it is just my boss, and even if it is only because he probably doesn't want to go through hiring and training another personal assistant.

Regardless of his reasons, it gives me a warm feeling deep down inside. I don't know if anyone has ever really cared about how safe I was.

"Thank you," I tell him, as inadequate as those two paltry words are. "I wish that there was some way I can repay you," I add genuinely. Even though I'm floored by his kindness, it's still ingrained in me not to accept this much from someone. It just seems like too much. I'm not in the habit of owing people stuff.

"Actually, you can," he says.

I perk up at that, sitting up straighter in my seat, which is ridiculous because it's not like he can see me.

There's a pregnant pause after my offer, and I feel my cheeks flushing. Oh god, that didn't come out right. What if he thinks I'm propositioning him or something?

Ever the gentleman, Stephan doesn't make any reference to anything of that nature. Instead, he says, "If you decide to go anywhere outside of work, please call my driver and he'll take you."

"What?" More generosity. I shake my head. "Stephan, I can't possibly—"

He cuts me off again, and I have to fight a scowl. He's notorious for interrupting me when I'm saying stuff he doesn't want to hear.

"I insist. It's no trouble." His voice does indeed sound insistent. "It'll put my mind at ease not having to worry about you."

I blink at that. Does he worry about me often? The way he says that makes it sound like maybe he does. But then again, he's probably just worried because of what happened the other night.

Does he think the guys who broke into my place were there for more than just a simple robbery? Were they actually after me specifically or something?

The thought is a chilling one.

But then why would anyone be afterme? I'm nobody important.

"I'm texting you the number now," Stephan's voice interrupts my thoughts. "Add it to your phone."

I blink whenever my phone buzzes with a text. I don't remember giving Stephan my personal phone number, but then again, heismy employer, so I suppose it's on file, so of course he'd have access to it.

Still, it's startling to get a text from him like this since I never have before.

"Okay," I agree as I move to obey him, saving his driver's number to my contact list.

There's a pause during which neither of us says anything. I feel awkward, so I fill the space with what I hope is a professional-sounding question. "Is there anything else you need, Stephan?"

"No, you can get back to work," he answers thoughtfully.

I start to put the receiver down, but Stephan says my name again. His voice comes out soft, and something in it causes a tingle to run up my spine.

