My brows furrow in confusion. How the hell is he gone already? He was just here. I know he was, and I heard that man call him Mr. Argyle, so I have no doubt that he was really here. How did he move so quickly? And why would he pop up just to rescue me and then leave without another word?

I look around the room dazedly, trying to pick out who my mysterious employer could be. But I don't see anyone who has that commanding, powerful presence that I instinctively know Stephan has.

I shake my head and stand there in bewilderment for a moment longer before I head over to the bar to get a virgin drink.

I definitely need a break to gather myself after all that.

My eyes are still scanning the vicinity, but somehow every time they light on someone, I know he's not Stephan.

Just where did my mysterious employer come from, and where did he go?

* * *


That was close. If I'd moved a second later, Elena would have turned and found me there, and I'm not sure if she would have recognized me or not.

So, as much as I wanted to stay by her side, that was a chance I couldn't afford to take. My heart squeezes when I see her looking around for me.

Oh, that I could show myself to you, my sweet little angel.

I consider throwing all caution to the wind and approaching her now, but then I remember that night in the alley, and I refrain from doing so. I've finally maneuvered circumstances so that I can watch her anytime I want. I don't want to chance fucking that all up right now.

She sits at the bar all alone. How I'd love to join her for a drink. I'd wrap my arm around her and glare at anyone who would dare get near her.

I vibrate with rage when I remember Daryl's hands on her, pulling her through the crowd against her will.

I also remember the satisfaction of seeing his eyes widen in fear when he recognized me. Daryl isn't one of my changelings, but he's in my city, so he's under my control.

He might not have harmed her, but he'll still have to make reparations for touching what's mine.

If the way he skulked off was any indication, he's fully aware of that fact.

I can't allow myself to think of what he wanted with her. I already know, and the thought of anyone else feeding from her makes me want to burn this entire motherfucking city to the ground.

My eyes stay pinned on her, watching her intently. She can't see me from where I'm standing over here in the shadows, and unfortunately, I know I must keep it that way.

"Stephan," a voice that makes me instantly stiffen says to my right.

No one has ever walked up on me without me knowing about it, but I was so engrossed in Elena that my snake of a brother did just that.

"Dorian," I greet him back stiffly. Though I'm surprised to see him here, I don't let it show. Dorian hasn't been in the States for at least a century. Last I heard, he was in France raising hell and wreaking chaos across all of Paris.

I pause. On second thought, Dorian's presence could explain all the sudden unexplained havoc going on in my city.

He hasn't stepped foot on American soil for at least a hundred years, though, which begs the question: why is he here now?

"She's a pretty little morsel," my brother's voice notes appreciatively.

I don't think before I react. The next thing I know, I have him pressed up against the wall with my hand on his throat, snarling in his face.

"You don't touch her. You hear me?"

I see his eyes awaken and flash with a new interest. I internally curse myself for showing my hand. Why the fuck did I just lose control like that?

I drop my hand from his throat with a curse. Because it'sElena. That's why. She's my one weakness, the one thing that can cause me to lose control.

I feel a heavy weight settle within my stomach. This is definitely a mistake letting Dorian know Elena is important to me.