It must have just been the play of the light on his irises.

"I can see what my brother sees in you," he notes softly.

I blink up at him, unsure of how to respond. I assume he must be talking about why he would want me to be his PA, so I joke lamely, "I suppose I am good with numbers, and I'm a fast learner."

Dorian's mouth pulls into a full smile, and is it just my imagination, or do his incisors seem to be sharper than a normal person's?

"Oh, you are adorable, Elena," he says as his eyes sweep up and down me.

I feel another little shiver go up my spine. I'm not sure I like the way he's looking at me. Like I'm prey that he's thinking about devouring.

Thankfully, we come up to the apartment building Stephan set me up in.

"This is me," I tell Dorian as I pull my arm from his.

Dorian looks up at the building, and then he lets out a big, booming laugh.

I jump back, startled at the sound and look up at him like he's sprouted two heads. I don't know what the hell is so funny, but this entire encounter with Stephan's brother has been extremely bizarre, to say the least.

Maybe both of the Argyle brothers are just eccentric as hell. Maybe it's just a rich person thing. Maybe when you're a multibillionaire, it makes you go a little crazy or something.

"Well, Dorian," I begin. The man sobers completely when I say his name, his eyes darkening as they laser in on me.

I take another step back from the sudden heated intensity in his gaze. "It's been..." I cast about in my mind frantically for a word that will suit the situation before I finally settle on, "interesting."

"Interesting," Dorian repeats before he licks his lips, his eyes passing over my face languorously. "Yes, Elena, it has beenveryinteresting indeed."

"Thanks for the walk," I add, my manners ingrained in me, even though I'm itching to get away from the strangely gorgeous man and into the safety of my apartment. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Elena," Dorian tells me in that smooth voice of his. "I'll be seeing you around."

I walk into the apartment building and glance behind my shoulder when I feel that tingling at the back of my neck.

Dorian is still standing there with one hand in his pocket, watching me intently.

I turn and hurry up to my room, suddenly more anxious than ever to get inside the safety of the walls.

It's not until I'm behind closed doors that I suddenly realize Dorian didn't say hehopedto be seeing me around. He said hewouldbe.



"I met your brother last night,"Elena's sweet voice says right in my ear the next morning.

I grip the phone so hard in my hand I'm surprised I don't crack it in two.

Motherfucking Dorian.I knew he was going to pull something, but I didn't know it was going to be so soon.

No sooner did he leave the club than I got a call that there was chaos happening downtown. Against my better judgment, I left Elena alone at the club, figuring she'd be safe enough in a room full of people, especially with her friends around and knowing that my brother was no longer there. I had to go deal with the unruly rebels and restore order in my city.

Fucking Dorian. My scowl deepens. He planned that shit.

"Stay away from him, Elena," I growl, my voice coming out harsher than I intend it to.

I see her blink, no doubt confused at my harsh tone.

"Heapproachedme," she defends herself. "I didn’t even know you had a brother." Her tone is dripping with accusation.