Dorian’s nostrils flare at that comment. He takes a step back from me, grinding his molars.

“What do I have to do, Elena? Tell me what you want. Anything at all, and it's yours.”

“My freedom,” I answer immediately.

Dorian’s eyes light with humor. “Come now, Elena. You already know I'm not that stupid.”

Yes, I did know it, but it was worth a try anyway.

It becomes blatantly obvious that Dorian is nothing like his brother when he insists, “I will have a kiss this day, Elena. You can give it freely, or you can negotiate it, but make no mistake. I'm not my brother. I said I wouldn't take you by force, and by that, I meant I wouldn't take your virginity and turn you into a vampire without your consent. I said nothing about tasting your lips, and I will have what I want.”

My legs feel like they're going to give out from underneath me at the predatorial danger I see reflected in his eyes. Dorian is absolutely serious.

I glance around for somewhere to sit, but there's nowhere other than the bed and I'm sure as hell not going to sit there and make him think that I'm agreeing to more than just a kiss. So instead, I take the few steps back to the wall and lean up against it as I tremble.

Dorian closes the distance between us again until he's just a few inches away from me. "Look at how you already tremble at the thought, my dear."

I look up into his brown eyes that are still glinting a hint of red. A lock of blond hair falls onto his forehead.

Dorian is handsome in his own way, but I feel no desire for him. Nothing like what I felt when presented with the same danger of Stephan.

“My patience is waning thin," Dorian tells me. "At the count of ten, you will give me an answer, or I will take what I want with no negotiations.”

Before I can even protest, Dorian begins to count down. “Ten, nine...”

My mind casts about frantically.

“Eight, seven...”

I panic.

“Six, five...”

I don't know what to do.

“Four, three...”

Suddenly an idea comes to me too.

“Two, one...”

“Let’s do it in front of Stephan!” I blurt out.

I surprise Dorian so much that he takes a step back from me and blinks. He considers my offer. “You want me to kiss you in front of Stephan?” He sweeps me with an appraising look, like he's trying to figure out if this is some sort of trick.

“Yes,” I lift my chin and try to make myself seem firm in my resolve. Then I speak with what I hope is a tone of derision. “Stephan tricked me. He stalked me. He lied to me. He kidnapped me.”

Dorian considers me for a long moment before he says suspiciously, "But you gave him consent to kiss you."

I fumble for a moment before I come up with, "It was easier to give in than to keep listening to him whine."

Dorian snorts at that. The sound encourages me that maybe my ruse is working.

I pin Dorian with what I hope is a strong, determined look. “I want him to suffer.” I don't really want Stephan to suffer, but I hope I said it convincingly enough.

And I think I did because Dorian’s mouth pulls into a slow, wicked grin as he assesses me with new appreciation. There's something akin to admiration in his eyes as he lets out a dark chuckle. “Oh yes. You were made to be my queen. Just as ruthless as I am. Why didn't I think of that myself?”

My heart is hammering in my chest as he steps away from me and begins pacing the floor, thinking out loud to himself. “Of course. He's so enamored of you. It'll kill him to watch me kiss you. Better yet to watch me when I take your virginity and bite you, mating you as mine.”