“As for the activities in Shanghai,” Rudi added, “my people are investigating something that could prove far more devastating than any political setback or realignment. The fact of the matter is, if this sea-level rise proceeds unchecked, switching political alliances and signing new treaties will be a bit like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.”

The President waved him off. “I don’t want to hear about the damned sea-level rise. I’ve heard it from Jim too many times already. In my opinion, you’re both a little crazy.”

“Yes, Mr. President, perhaps we are.”

The President stared at Rudi for a long moment and then turned to Sandecker. “You really handpicked a stubborn bunch over there at NUMA.”

Sandecker grinned. “Damned proud of it, too.”

“We’ll see what it gets us,” the President said. “In the meantime, Rudi, perhaps you can explain this.”

Without another word, the President aimed a remote control at the far wall. With the touch of a single button, a large panel slid backward, revealing a hidden high-definition monitor.

A short video began. It displayed the murky view from an underwater camera. Along the side of the screen were various instrumental readings.

“It’s our standard ROV interface,” Rudi admitted.

The video was jerky, spliced together in a hasty fashion. For three seconds, they watched swirling water clouded with sediment. The next cut was a sonar image of what appeared to be a range of cone-shaped mountains along the seafloor. A close-up of one made it obvious that water was blasting from it like a geyser. Finally, they were treated to several shots of underwater wreckage, ending with a white robotic arm and face.

“Where did you get this?” Rudi asked.

Sandecker answered. “It was broadcast this morning by the Indie News Network without comment or explanation. They’re claiming they were hacked, but, interestingly enough, the transmission was preceded by a series of numbers. String those numbers together and you get the NUMA ID codes for Paul and Gamay Trout.”

“Your lost agents in Shanghai,” the President said.

“Yes, Mr. President.”

Sandecker spoke the thought already playing on Rudi’s mind, “You may have sacrificed them, Rudi. I hope it was worth it.”

“They must have thought so,” Rudi said, “or they wouldn’t have sent this out. It’s up to us to figure out what it means. And to get Paul and Gamay out of there.”

“We’re not going to get them out,” the President said. “We’re not even going to acknowledge their presence in the country.”

“It’ll be pretty hard to deny it if they get captured,” Rudi said.

“He’s got a point,” Sandecker added.

A look of frustration and anger crossed the President’s face. “You’ve put us in a difficult position.”

“For that, I apologize,” Rudi said. “But it’s in all of our interests to get Paul and Gamay out of there before the Chinese catch up to them.”

“Not if it means throwing gas on the fire,” the President said. “Our best bet is to downplay the significance of this and make no moves whatsoever. If the Chinese think we don’t care, they might stop caring themselves.”

“Or they might bury Paul and Gamay in unmarked graves.”

“A risk they took when they entered China.” The President shut off the flat-screen and closed the panel. “That’s all for now.”

Rudi had spent enough time in the Navy that being curtly dismissed after getting reamed out was second nature. But that didn’t lessen the sting. He stood. “Thank you, Mr. President.”

“Hang on, Rudi,” Sandecker said. “I’ll walk you out.”

Rudi left the Oval Office with Sandecker at his side.

“You know I wouldn’t have sent them in without good reason,” Rudi told his old mentor.

Sandecker moved with a quick stride, hands behind his back. “I’ve seen the briefing on the sea-level rise. I’m aware of the urgency. The President is, too, but his hands are tied politically. Until half of Florida is underwater, no one is going to see the need for action.”

Rudi knew the game. He and Sandecker had always tried to rise above it. “I’d be violating the trust of the American people if I sat around and waited for that to happen.”