Page 9 of Fallen King

As for Julian, he has plenty of shirts hanging up on his side, though the man rarely ever dons one.

I don't know what it is with him. He walks around shirtless most of the time. Maybe he's just super proud of that chest of his. If he wears anything, it's just spaulders on his shoulders and braces on his forearms. It's like he's always prepared to go into battle but only with certain pieces. He neglects to cover his chest, and maybe it's because he's a celestial and he can't die. Can celestials die? I don’t know. But if that's the case, I don't know why he needs the spaulders and braces at all. Maybe it's just a fashion thing down here. I don't know.

My cheeks burn whenever I step from the wardrobe and Julian's hungry gaze sweeps over me from head to foot. It's obvious he likes what he sees, and I can't deny that I like him liking the way I look.

“So beautiful,” his smooth voice caresses me as he steps closer to me, his woodsy masculine scent surrounding me. I feel like I'm glowing. He didn't say Ilookbeautiful. He said Iambeautiful. There's a difference. He's telling me I'm beautiful all the time—not that I just look beautiful in nice clothes.

I’ve honestly never felt very beautiful. Pretty maybe, but I have a wild mane of red curls. I'm no blonde bombshell or breathtaking brunette. My skin is fair and will freckle in the sun, so I mostly stay out of it to keep my skin porcelain.

I’m not used to being told that I'm beautiful. Of course, some of that may have to do with the fact that Julian shamelessly told me he kept all boys away from me growing up because he was saving me for himself.

I don't know how to feel about that. I feel like I should be angry and repulsed, but I can't deny that a small part of me is actually pleased that he wanted me that much. Am I fucked in the head that the fact that he's been stalking me for years makes me feel special? Like surely this insanely hot celestial can have anyone in any realm he wanted, yet he choseme.

When I ask him why, he just touches my face tenderly and tells me it’s because I'm his. I'm starting to believe him.

He hasn't tried to kiss me again. Instead, he's the perfect gentleman, though it seems like he can't keep his hands off me. He always has to be touching me in some manner or another.

When we're walking along the kingdom in front of his people, he keeps a hand firmly on the small of my back, or he pulls my hand through the crook of his arm like we're a Victorian couple on a stroll. He makes it clear to everyone that I'm his.

People nod at me respectfully, but nobody speaks to me without his permission. It’s obvious I'm an outsider, but it's also obvious that I belong to their king, so I'm accepted simply for that.

And I don't know how I should feel about all that. I feel like I should be constantly plotting ways to escape, but it's so easy for me to fall under the spell that Julian weaves around me with his hypnotic voice and those burning golden eyes. When he trains his intense gaze on me, it makes me feel like I'm the most important thing in his universe.

I still don't understand all of this, and I wish I was stronger. I wish I was more of a fighter. I wish I could resist his allure, but the simple fact of the matter is when he speaks in that soft tone to me, when he's so attentive to me, when he walks me through his fragrant gardens and plucks flowers and gently tucks them behind my ear, my heart melts.

It’s insanity. This creature has pulled me into another realm. He's essentially kidnapped me, and he won't let me out of his sight. I should not be falling for him.

I shouldnot.

I had my own hopes and dreams back in my world. I was going to go to college and get a better life.

It looks like I will have a better life here, though, but it’ll all be due to Julian. It’ll be because I’m his queen. It won't be through any effort of my own, and I'm used to pulling my weight. Even back at the group home, I always made sure to do my chores and even helped out with some of the younger kids’ tasks too.

This is the first time I've ever taken my foot off the gas and not worried about the future. And it's not like I'm suddenly a gold-digging whore, but it actually feels really nice to turn the reigns over to someone else.

With Julian, I don't have to worry about what comes next. He's in charge. I simply follow his lead.

I never would have thought I'd be the submissive type, but there's freedom in turning over control like this.

I finally stop fighting it, and against my better judgment, I start to admit to myself that I really wish Julian would try to kiss me again.

* * *


It's working.I'm wooing her. I can feel her resistance breaking. I see the shy glances she passes at me, the way she softens underneath my touch now.

My pretty little Amelia is submitting to me, and my heart is soaring. Everything I feel for this girl is more powerful than anything I've ever felt in all of my centuries.

I'm still dying to taste her, but I haven't dared try to kiss her again. I told myself I must be patient and wait for her to become receptive to me, but now that she is, I can't hold back any longer.

We're in my garden, and I've just tucked a bright red rose behind her ear. I stroke my fingers along her creamy, soft skin as I gaze into the beautiful colors of her hazel eyes. I bring her to the gardens often because I see the serenity that lights her gaze when we're surrounded by their beauty. She loves it here, and I love giving her what makes her happy.

“You have no idea how much you mean to me, Amelia.” I murmur.

Her eyes flick up to mine, and they soften as her cheeks pinken.

“Will you let me kiss you now?” I ask her permission, though I know I've no need to. It's just a show of respect to let her know that she's in control where this is concerned. I won't force myself on her, and the gratification that fills my chest when she gives me a shy nod is unlike any other satisfaction I've ever known.