“Thank you. Yes, Ahanvala. My systems are currently updating with the biological specs you sent me for the human species. I will then begin to go over the data you have provided. I am eager to begin on this assignment.”

His eyes strayed to her in an assessing manner… and lingered far beyond what even she felt was comfortable or polite. Unsurprisingly, Veral took exception to it and growled territorially. Vibrissae rustling in surprise, the medic’s eyes snapped away from her back to her mate. His mandibles tucked close and tight to his cheeks, his vibrissae twining together in an expression of embarrassment.

“The human is fascinating,” he said abruptly. “I did not intend to exceed boundaries of politeness. I will not repeat that error…”

“Do you have experience, Medic Tarik, in assisting females in birthing?” Veral asked suddenly.

Tarik paused in surprise but soon found his voice. “Yes. Actually, I have assisted the birth of numerous offspring before I returned here.”

Veral grunted. “Very well. Keep in mind, Tarik, that you will treat my mate with exceptional care regardless of your experience.”

“Yes. Of course,” he replied.

“Veral naturally worries for his fragile mate. A reasonable reaction for one tied to a weaker species, I assume,” a cool feminine voice broke in.

Bristling, Terri turned to confront the speaker only to see Featha beside them, her expression and tight and possessing the bearing—and fury—of a queen. The corner of the female’s mouth slanted upward as she met Terri’s eyes.

Unlike the few nobles who Terri had come across in her travels with Veral, there was nothing delicate about her, and that was more apparent with the previous Ahanvala looming over her. Featha was as tall as Veral and came close to possessing the same amount of muscle. Terri wondered if she had undergone training as a warrior too. If so, she wouldn’t be surprised. The female looked like she wanted to chew Terri up and spit her out but wasn’t sure if she wanted to sully herself with the actual chore of doing it.

Terri met her hostile expression with a blank, unconcerned one that had the female’s vibrissae twisting through the air in annoyance.

“Nothing survives well on Argurumal except Argurma. Those aliens who serve in our markets do so only because of special habitats constructed for them. How will this human survive? We do not have offworlder habitats here. Like the rest of our planet, there is nothing here but sand and stone. There is a high probability that you will have plenty of opportunities to observe the harm, medic, as I am sure that she will regularly be in your care. Veral will be very occupied just to keep his little alien mate alive,” she observed.

“Enough, Featha,” Veral rumbled in warning. “I have already warned you about insulting Terri. Why are you still here?”

“It is not an insult if it is fact,” the female replied firmly. “You are Ahanvala now, Veral, and I will concede to your decisions just as I am here to give my oath to protect your mate and offspring. Be aware, no matter what oaths are given, they will never belong among us or to this household in any meaningful way.”

Veral’s eyes narrowed. “Acknowledged. You will, however, be proven wrong. My mate is stronger and more resilient than you assume.”

“We will see,” Featha murmured before stepping away.

Robes swirling around her legs, she slipped into the crowd, leaving them staring after her. The oath wasn’t unexpected, but Terri wished that she would have had some kind of familial support from that quarter. She should have known that it was too much to hope for that his family would treat her as their own. At the very least, Featha was not going to be in any hurry to, and Terri suspected that her opinion carried considerable weight in the household.

Terri had the feeling that she was going to be avoided like a plague.

“However often you require to see me is acceptable,” Tarik offered. “As your mate, Terri’s health is a priority, and I will see that she receives the best care. We can begin now. Follow me. I will escort you to the medical unit and we will…”

“No. You will not,” Larth interrupted slowly, his deep voice cutting through the medic’s chatter. “As the head of the Ahanvala Guard,Iam the Ahanvala’s guard,” he continued. “As such I will escort him where he requires to go, or any other guards as I deem necessary. Go back to medical, and I will bring them once they are ready.”

Tarik glanced at Veral, but with no objection coming from that quarter, he bobbed his head again and strode away, his spine stiff. Despite the creepy staring, Terri felt bad for him. Of everyone in the household, he seemed the most genuinely concerned about her welfare even if it was out of a fair amount of scientific curiosity.

Larth chuffed after him.

“Tarik is a good male and a good medic. Loyal, too. It is necessary to remind him that there is more to our lives than just his work,” he said with another chuff as he gave Terri a smile. “We will get you to medical quarter soon, after the tour. Knowing the layout of the main points of the compound is necessary, and it has been a long time since Veral was here.”

As good as his word, he led them from the main room through several large corridors. Weapons room, kitchens, goods storage in case they required anything for their chambers. He even pointed out in passing several assigned wings for various tasks to maintain the household. Although everything was dark and one hallway seemed to blend into another, she was still surprised when Larth stopped outside of a doorway and gestured them inside.

“Medical quarter,” he said.

Terri glanced back at him as she started to walk in with Veral, her sudden stop bringing her mate to a halt.

“Aren’t you coming?”

Larth smirked down at her. “No need to go into medical if I am not sick. Nanos take care of most things. I will be waiting here when you are finished.”

“Okay,” she said as she allowed herself to be led inside.