“Brains?” Terri mumbled around a mouthful of versin, her face flushing brightly for a moment before all color fled from her cheeks.

Navesha’s brow ridge rose, but she pursed her lips and nodded.

Were humans supposed to achieve a pale, slightly greenish hue? He had seen his mate flush reds and pinks and even pale, but he didn’t recall seeing her adopt that particular hue before. He glanced at the versin with worry. Perhaps it was an allergic reaction that made her look so terrible.

“Nope,” Terri moaned sadly. “I just can’t.”

Jerking to her feet, his mate speed over to the waste disposal unit and slapped her palm against the lever on its side. The lid slid back quickly, and Terri leaned promptly over to retch into it.

Vibrissae tangling and rattling anxiously, Veral stepped behind his mate, his hand smoothing her back in slow, firm strokes that always seemed to comfort her. Her body trembled with spasms as she continued to empty her stomach of nutrients. He did not dare move until her body stopped shaking and she straightened once more and drew in a deep breath. Swiping her hand over her eyes to wipe away the tears that streaked down her cheeks in the course of her violent expelling, she turned and looked up at him with a weak smile.

“Well, that was awful. So what are our plans for today?”

He cupped her cheek within his large hand, his thumb brushing against her cheekbone lovingly.

“Your only responsibility is to eat and rest. I have things that I must see to.”

“Oh, well, that’s okay. I don’t mind tagging along,” she replied with forced cheer, her smile dropping when he shook his head.

“I will be visiting different parts of the compound. It will be tedious and tiring, requiring my attention until late. Your body is already taxed by our offspring. It is better if you rest in our chambers. If you become restless you can take the balcony out to the courtyard gardens, but do not overexert.”

She pinched her lips together, and he was certain that she was about to argue, but she surprised him by sighing and giving him a reluctant smile. “I guess a day hanging around our rooms won’t kill me,” she muttered. She leaned her cheek into his hand, her gaze softening. “You can just make it up to me when you get back.”

He stilled, reluctant to upset her further. Veral withdrew his hand and stepped away just long enough to retrieve some water for her. She flashed him a grateful smile as she sipped and cleansed her mouth with the cool water. She spat the mouthful into the waste disposal before taking a grateful swallow of the liquid. When she was finally done with it, he took it back to clean and store the cup before returning.

Standing in front of her once more, he debated how to approach the subject. He settled on dropping his hand to twine his fingers with hers in a demonstration of affection and support that he knew she favored. His mate’s brow, however, furrowed with confusion at his small retreat. He hated that what he would say was going to make her unhappy with him, but there would be no dishonesty between them.

“It will not just be one day. I will be spending the better part of the next several rotations shuttling out to various parts of our territories to meet with extended members of our line who care for our herds and oversee various operations. It will be many long rotations that your presence is not necessary for. You would find them tedious, so this will be the most optimal time for you to just rest. There is no reason for you to exhaust yourself.”

“I see,” Terri replied quietly, her lips thinning with clear displeasure.

“Do not be angry. My oath, as soon as these duties are concluded, we will enjoy some days to ourselves, anastha,” he murmured.

She fidgeted a bit. “And I’ll stay here the entire time?”

“It will set my mind at ease to know you are here getting the rest and food that your body currently desires.”

She dropped her eyes, her jaw tightening. “You aren’t going to turn insanely overprotective again, are you? I thought we established that I can take care of myself.”

“Which I do not dispute. You are fierce and capable, anastha. Any male would be fortunate to have such a mate at his side, but these circumstances are unusual for both of us. It is advantageous to be cautious.”

Navesha snorted from where she sat, and he directed an impatient look to her.

“Did you have a comment to make?” he asked, the light growl in his voice unmistakable.

His cousin shrugged, her smile never leaving her lips. “No. I just did not fully realize until this moment how fragile your mate is. It is interesting to see a male so flustered over his mate’s health when Argurma females are strong and have no such need.”

He narrowed his eyes, unsure of where she was going with her observation, but she did not make him wait long. She chuffed and leaned forward to prop on one elbow, one free of the thick spikes that a male had at the joint, to regard him levelly.

“I mean no offense, cousin,” she said with a relaxed purring vibration of her mandibles. “Now that I see the situation, I will be honored to check on your mate in your absence.”

“I would be grateful,” he replied formally, and his cousin dropped her head in acknowledgment.

He looked back to his mate, hoping that Navesha’s offer would set her at ease with his absence. To his dismay, her face was still pinched as she visibly bristled. His systems took in her elevated heart rate and tension and he nearly hissed with distress. She was not pleased at all and not trying to hide it. He had little doubt that Navesha, if she cared to check, would also mark the response. Not that he cared if it insulted his cousin. He did not like to see his female so agitated when she was usually energetic and enthusiastic. He did not like to see her practically curling into herself with dejection.

A sigh left him. He could not do that to her.

“Very well. If you would prefer to come…”