“I’ve missed you,” she murmured. “Since you’re here, I take it you’re done meeting everyone.”

“I have met with all the households of the line.”

She stretched against him, her fingers playfully flicking against the ends of his vibrissae.

“Thank goodness. I look forward to having more time to ourselves. I can think of some ways to pass the time,” she teased with another flick of her finger over the sensitive tips.

He caught her hand, stilling her playful touch, but remained silent for a long moment as if were reluctant to answer. Just as her stomach began to twist in unease, he at last grunted in agreement.

“There will still be time that I must see to my duties, and you will remain here, but I will wish to be by your side while I am gone.”

Terri frowned in confusion.

“There’s no reason for me not to go with you for anything that comes up here. If I don’t have to travel far…”

“No,” his jaw tightened as his mandibles clicked pensively. “Recent events make it clear that it is best for you to remain here.” He smoothed a hand against her cheek. “And perhaps increase your guards.” His lips tightened. “Perhaps I shall assign Malraha to you.”

She drew back, balking. This wasn’t what she had in mind at all.

“But… Malraha is part of your guard.”

Something flickered in his expression.

“Yes, and she is capable. She is a vigilant guard. I would trust her with your welfare, whereas I do not think she is suited to my guard.”

She narrowed her eyes.


“She made a suggestion that I take the pretense of mating an Argurma female while I lead the house and offered herself at my disposal.” Terri jerked upright, her mouth falling open, but his hand gripped her shoulder, keeping her focus on him. “She is young and ignorant, anastha. She did not realize that my mating with you was as strong as an Argurma mated pair. She was regretful of her error, but I estimate that you will not wish her to continue in my service.”

“Fuck no I wouldn’t,” she snapped. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She would have expected it of anyone else, and not have been bothered by the attempt, but not an Argurma female. A female who knew how the matings worked and actively sought to undermine them and attempt to replace Terri. There was no way in hell she would trust that female at all.

She blinked.

“And this is the female you want to watch over me? A female who I’m not going to trust and for all I know might not be aggrieved if I suffer from some sort of ‘accident?’ You think I’d be comfortable with that?”

Veral’s lips tightened in acknowledgment.

“I did not factor the possibility that you would have these concerns. Malraha would not harm you, if you truly fear that. Her biometrics indicated that she was honest in her regret.”

Terri snorted mirthlessly.

“Yeah, sorry she didn’t succeed,” she muttered. At Veral’s frown, she sighed. “Okay well just so we are clear. Am I comfortable with her as your guard? Fuck no, and hell no about her being anywhere near me where I might be dependent on her. Regardless of her intentions and her abilities, I can’t trust her.”

He did not argue but inclined his head.

“It will dishonor her to return to guarding the compound. However, in consideration of events and your wishes, I will see to it that Larth reassigns her.” His expression tightened. “Regardless, you will have a guard, anastha. I am sure my cousins will have suggestions of those best suited among the members of the house. And we will discuss what transpired.”

Terri groaned. She should have anticipated that Veral would want to assign more babysitters.

“Just one,” she offered. “I always have either Dreth or Navesha with me anyway, so just one more will be more than enough.”

Veral narrowed his eyes in consideration.

“Two Argurma warriors should be able to subdue anything that might attempt to hurt you,” he conceded, but expression hardened. “If there is any suggestion that it might not be adequate, I will make certain that you are sufficiently protected.”

She grimaced but nodded.