Terri shifted nervously. “She won’t be harmed any out there, right?”

A soft smile curved her mate’s mouth.

“No. We will take all necessary precautions and have the medic examine her just to remove any doubt. She will be fine,” he assured her, his hand smoothing Harahna’s vibrissae lovingly.

Taking a deep breath, Terri smiled, warmed by a sudden surge of excitement.

“Okay! Let’s do it. We’ll lie low out there for a while, and as soon as Tarik gives the ‘all clear,’ we’re getting the hell off this planet,” she grumbled. “Who knew that space would be the nice, safe, civilized place to be? I think I’m ready to go back to being a simple salvager.”

Veral chuffed and brushed his nose against her temple.

“Give me two days, anastha, and we will do just that. Soon enough, it will be just us,” he promised with a raspy rumble and a heated promise that made her toes curl.

“Two days,” she sighed in agreement. “I’m going to hold you to that.”

Larth groaned. “Two weeks in the hidden caves and crawling through high-wind sandstorms… I should have stayed enlisted as a warrior,” he muttered.

Dreth looked over at him curiously.

“Is it that bad? Our far-kin live there without problem.”

“Worse. Our far-kin is accustomed to having their expelling vents clogged with sand, but clearing them out is unpleasant. You will see,” he muttered. “I will prepare everything we will we need and alert Hitani that we are heading east once more.”

“You can always stay here,” Veral said, unperturbed by his cousin’s disgust.

The male immediately bristled.

“And leave the guarding of you to who? Navesha is preoccupied, Dreth has never been there and does not know what to expect, neither has Malraha or most of the household guard. I will go. I will just require a few things,” he muttered.


Behind his polite mask of indifference, Veral seethed at the presence of the local registrar. He knew it could not be delayed since they were leaving for the Blowing Sands early the next day, but he disliked everything about the registrar on sight. To make matters worse, the male just would not leave. He insisted that there was data that required further verification.

“What further verification do you require, Registrar Akal’sivkoran’tanil?” Veral demanded as he held in a growl.

It would be easy to break the male in front of him if he lost his temper. The registrar was smaller, his implants clearly designated more for interfacing with the databanks of the High City Ki’karthilan than the modifications given to one of the warrior class. Despite Akal’s limitations, he regarded Veral with dispassionate disdain. If it were not for Larth standing at his side, Veral might have been tempted to act on his murderous impulse.

Veral was well aware of what the Argurma of Ki’karthilan, and all of Amhim’voreth thought of the people of the Quarnet’safet. The Dunes bred wild males and females, difficult to break to the council’s will, corrupted, and lacking in intelligence. Perfect to train as warriors and sacrifice indiscriminately. The only people lower were those hidden in the Galithilan and offworlders.

At least Akal’s tongue was kept in line by Larth’s presence, saving Veral from being forced to pull it out. Few had the imposing glower of his guard, and Larth took sadistic pleasure in making his prey squirm. And despite his obvious distaste, the registrar shifted uncomfortably under the male’s glare.

Arak made a rough sound in the back of his throat.

“I do not know the reason, only that I was informed to collect the necessary verifications,” he said stiffly.

“You have received all documentation from our medic,” Veral reminded him, his voice dropping to an icy temperature. “Further verification is outside what is lawfully required.”

The registrar lifted one shoulder and huffed.

“It was deemed insufficient. The birthrate in the Amhim’voreth has dropped drastically over the last fifty revolutions, and the Reproduction Department has asked us to help in this matter to determine why. I have asked to run further verifications and do additional testing on the female Harahna. As the mother is unlisted as per private agreement, we will not be requiring her to be produced, but I will need to take some samples of your genetic material and nanos in addition to that of your offspring.”

“No,” Veral growled, keeping just enough bite from his tone that it did not veer into inappropriate for an Argurma. “The situation of the Amhim’voreth has nothing to do with my offspring. I will not permit collecting of genetic material or any form of testing on her. That is the end of the matter. I have placed my mark on your documents and that is all I will give you. Take it and leave.”

The male frowned, surprise registering on his face with the slight uptick of his vibrissae. “You would deny the Reproduction Department? They have the authority of the council behind them. If you refuse this minor process, it can bring undesirable attention to you and the Monushava House.”

Veral leaned forward, his eyes narrowing.

“Do you threaten me?” he growled.