“Fair enough,” she chuckled. “So, what are you thinking?”

A slow hiss escaped him. “I am thinking that it has been a great many revolutions since I have been here. We have little choice but to come here, but I am uncertain of how my mother-kin will greet you. I will be displeased if they disrespect you.”

“Ah,” she sighed. “Yeah, I admit I am a bit nervous. How huge and rugged everything is doesn’t exactly put me at ease either. It looks like it’s inhabited by a whole bunch of warriors who are going to come swarming out at us without a moment’s notice.”

“Astute observation. The Great Dunes people are comprised of many strong families. The greatest warriors of Argurumal can be found within the provinces of this side of the planet.”

“From where I’m standing, that doesn’t surprise me any. I guess I just expected your home to be a bit more… I don’t know… technological,” she murmured.

Veral chuffed at her side, his vibrissae sliding with his amusement. “It has an intentional design. The outer wall is stone. It protects and insulates us from the harsh desert. It is meant to be simple and durable. You will see that the protected interior is fashioned for our technological needs.”

She gave the stone gates a skeptical glance as the ship moved off to the side and slowly began to descend into what she assumed was a large docking structure attached to the side of the wall. She frowned. Nothing there looked like it belonged to any species who soared through the stars in superior starships. Instead, everything she had seen looked like it was better suited to keep out some sort of monstrous beast. Veral chuffed again as the complex disappeared from sight, behind the thick stone wall that now surroundedThe Wanderer. He had no doubt noted her expression and had been entertained by it. If he was, he didn’t otherwise comment as he gently took her arm and led her from the flight deck through their ship. She was grateful for the support when the impact of the planet’s gravity hit her fully as the ship powered down. A soft groan of dismay eked out, but she didn’t complain. It was a little bit more difficult to move quickly or with ease, but it wasn’tthatbad.

Exiting the port, she glanced up to see a large dark metal shield slide silently shut above them, enclosing their ship in the docking area. The complete darkness of the docking bay made her freeze until several interior lights suddenly snapped on, casting pale illumination. Veral’s own eyes glowed in the dim lighting, letting her know without a doubt that he could see perfectly well. Still, she was comforted by some range of visibility available. Curling her fingers tighter around his, she stared at her surroundings in awe, Krono a noticeable presence as he trotted at their heels, until they finally came to another gate at the end of the corridor.

At first, she wondered if they were going to have to bang on the door or do something to get someone’s attention, but to Terri’s surprise, the gate swung open with a heavy whoosh of displaced air and sand as it parted to reveal a beautiful stone courtyard lit up with electric lanterns filled with pulsing energy, casting a soft pinkish glow over their surroundings.

Enormous dull orange and puce potted plants filled the perimeter of the courtyard, intersected by plants of softer pinks and lavenders that clustered in the shade of the larger plants. In the middle of the courtyard was a shaded foundation in which she could make out the ripple of water from the cascading drops that descended from a cubic figure in the center. In such a dry world, that rippling water called to her, but a gentle tug from Veral brought her back to reality as he led her further in the courtyard. From where she was, she could just barely see a doorway peeking out between the dense fronds. That was clearly their destination, given the direct path Veral set toward it.

The doors parted, and a large female stepped out. About as tall as Veral and with similar features, she was wrapped in a crimson robe with a simple belt just under her breasts. Glowing blue cybernetic eyes turned to Terri and stopped, widening slightly at the corners. A hiss left the female, and she strode forward, mandibles spread wide with aggression as she grabbed a handful of Veral’s longer vibrissae.

Terri’s mouth dropped open, in equal measure horror and insult. She knew damn well what it did to Veral whenever she grabbed them, and for this female to her put her hands where they didn’t belong made her furious. Thankfully, Veral didn’t seem to be enjoying it. He snarled at the female, his own vibrissae widening in response. Terri didn’t wait around to see what happened next. She stepped forward, her back rigid as she closed in near the female. With cords of reinforcement from her symbiont lacing over her hand, she reached forward and closed her fingers around the wrist of the Argurma’s offending limb.

“Release him,” Terri demanded.

The stranger’s eyes narrowed on her, but she barely had time to react when the female released Veral’s hair and whipped around in a smooth motion, her hand snapping toward Terri as a long, thin metallic cord shot out from the Argurma’s wristband. A squeak of alarm escaped Terri as she attempted to evade, but the cord snapped around her wrist, the whip-like metal twining around her wrist seconds before she was jerked forward off her feet. Her symbiont tried to react, but the metal whip was wrapped too tightly around it and blocked the tendrils that attempted to escape to defend her.

Terri met the female’s triumphant gaze, her lips parting with surprise.

Krono snarled loudly, throwing himself protectively in front of Terri, but Veral’s roar startled them both as her mate leaped forward, barreling into the other female with enough power that it stunned the female. Her whip slacked and fell from around Terri’s wrist seconds before he sent the Argurma flying through the air. Krono huddled in front of her, providing comfort even as she cringed at the overly loud crack of the alien’s body impacting a tree.

They weren’t getting off to the best of starts.

To her surprise, a low chuff rose from the tree as the female pushed herself slowly to her feet, her vibrissae stirring in the manner that Veral’s did when he was pleased with something.

“Enough, Navesha,” Veral growled as a wide, closed-lipped smile stretched across the female’s face as she retracted her whip back into her wristlet.

“Very well, I will concede victory to you. It seems that mating has made you a formidable opponent, in any case.” She turned a curious look to Terri before her eyes returned to Veral. “It is interesting that, though rumors have proven true that you had mated with a strange alien, nothing spoke of her ferocity. Well chosen,” Navesha chuffed, her hand slapping the red dust from her robe-covered thighs.

An unamused growl left Veral as he moved to Terri’s side, his eyes anxiously running over her. Krono dropped back, taking a guard position at their side as Veral tucked into his side.

“The last you saw me, Navesha, I was barely an adult, just graduated from my training programs. That was many revolutions ago,” he rumbled irritably. “All the same, I did not expect to be accosted by you.”

The female shrugged unrepentantly. “The situation merited a test once I saw for my own eyes that you had indeed taken up with a primitive. Featha is displeased that you sought a mate outside of our customs. She would have looked the other way for any other male, but you are the heir of the line. Mating and breeding an alien is a great insult to her. She had hoped that once you gained control of your volatile emotions and returned that she could help you arrange a proper mating.”

“It was clear that I was not welcome here,” he growled.

Navesha shook her head. “The household would not have been safe when you were younger and lacking control. Your mother would have trained you herself during your juvenile years had her malfunction status not made her suspect, and you too by extension, by the council. But Featha was unhappy that you left the planet. It was always her intent that eventually you would return to continue the line with a worthy female. She spoke of it often in the past.”

“And I have,” Veral hissed. “Terri carries my young. This is why I have returned. I need to speak to Featha at once.”

“An heir?” Navesha said slowly, her brow ridges rising. “You mean…” At Veral’s nod, her expression tightened. “Featha is not going to like this,” she growled. “I will be honest with you: none of the females of your mother-kin’s line will.” She let out a slow breath, her vibrissae puffing out around her head slightly. “However, your… mate… is safe here. I will swear to ensure it. But you will still have to face Featha’s displeasure. Your meeting should be interesting,” she said as she broke into another soft chuff of laughter.

With a whirl of red robes, she strode away from them, heading toward the door with precise steps. As they followed the female, Terri glanced around curiously, searching for the familiar, shadowy form of dorashnal. Shouldn’t she have one? Didn’t everyone? She searched her memory, trying to recall whether Veral had ever mentioned it as he led her inside the cool interior.

The door slid closed behind her, and Terri suddenly wished they were back in space and as far as possible from everything on Argurumal. Licking her lips, she tried to ignore the sinking feeling in her stomach as she allowed Veral to pull her along after Navesha’s retreating figure as they walked through the corridor to a destination that Terri wasn’t the least bit eager to reach.