A pleased snarl vibrated against her sex as he increased his frenzied pace, his tapered tongues dancing over her. They twined together to plunge deep within her, twisting and flaring as they stroked within her channel until one tongue slipped out to circle her clit. The rough surface gave it enough traction to tug at her clit with every slide over the small bead of flesh.

The sensation of his tongues rapidly moving against her folds and burying into her cunt were ceaseless until they finally succeeded at detonating her orgasm. A loud cry left her as her back arched and thighs pressed tight around his head. The action increased the pressure of his mandibles against her inner thighs even as his vibrissae shifted against her skin. It fed her orgasm as he continued to lap at her sex. Her body twitched with the waves of pleasure that swept over her as it gradually subsided. He took one last lingering lick before he pulled back with an expression of intense need, making his face aggressively harsh.

Terri spread her legs wider, welcoming her mate as he slid up her body, his hips nestling in their cradle. He pressed forward, scales sliding erotically against her inner thighs as his civix emerged. The gentle slap of it as it came into contact with her sopping entrance sent tingles through her. His tip angled just right to make contact and burrowed deep in a hard, relentless plunge to her core, the tubes running down the length of his cock secreting lubrication, easing his way.

Her fingers clenched around the bony spines jutting out from his shoulders, and for a moment she forgot to breathe as his cock moved within her, pressing deep, sliding against sensitive spots within her. As attentive as he had always been, there seemed to be a particular urgency as he claimed her this time. Although careful of her belly, he claimed her thoroughly with every hard thrust, his mandibles clicking and vibrating in a deep, rattling purr. With his intensity and focus, the cybernetics on the side of his face, neck, and pectorals glowed brighter as he quivered against her, his muscles tightening.

“Anastha,” he gritted out, lips curling back from his sharp teeth and longer fangs.

Terri didn’t have the ability to answer. She was caught up in the magnetic pull between their bodies as if push and pull of their joining created a vortex, dragging every bit of her into it with the build of their passion. Her breath heaved in her lungs as raspy pants for air escaped Veral. One of his hands slid around her hip, gripping her solidly in place as he rutted her, his body arching possessively over her in a manner that seemed to punctuate his every thrust. The sound of shredding fabric where his opposite hand was planted against the bed spoke of his spiking frenzy. That could only be his claws digging into the bedding on the platform, and yet the hand that gripped her didn’t even prick her with the slightest threat of them.

It was fucking hot as hell that he was so caught in the moment that he destroyed their bed, while keeping his strength tempered in his every touch.

Terri wrapped her legs around his hips, her pelvis tilting and her bottom lifting to meet his every thrust as she moaned, loud and needy.

Wasn’t she supposed to be trying to be quiet? She couldn’t remember why now. All she knew was that she was surrounded by pleasure—infused with it. She lifted one hand to bury it in his vibrissae which in turn wrapped tightly around her wrist, holding her tight to him instinctually. Her skin quivered in ecstasy as his hips snapped and drove against her, and that tremor drew deeper within her, tightening within her core. She felt his cock swell within her and the slight pleasure-pain of its hooked head lodging into place as he ground against her with a primal growl.

Another orgasm whipped through her at the contact, cries bursting out of her as she was swamped with white hot ecstasy. With a few more grinding thrusts, Veral followed, his own roar of completion filling the room.

His pelvis was still locked against hers, his lips and mandibles brushing over her face. He crooned some sort of primal, wordless love song as he often did when they were together in their private quarters, coming down from their vigorous lovemaking. Terri sighed and nuzzled her nose against his collar bone—damn his massive size—as she rode out the little orgasmic tremors that continued to ripple through her body. She was half drowsy and relaxed against him when a light by the door flashed angrily and was followed by a loud curse.

Seconds later, it was Veral growling as the door slid open and another male strode in. The stranger came to a complete stop before them, eyes wide as he took in their joined state. Veral gathered the bedding to tuck it around Terri, covering her nudity and swollen belly thoroughly with the fabric. His vibrissae rustled, hissing with the rapid rattling. Even the stunted vibrissae flailed with his anger. The male stepped back a pace with an uncertain expression on his face.

“You have five seconds to tell me the meaning of this intrusion before I incapacitate you, mother-kin,” Veral snarled, his voice low and lethal.

The danger was not lost upon the stranger because he quickly nodded his head. “Peace, mother-kin. Forgive me. I heard screams that I was sure was some battle and so I used my authority to override the locks. I am Dreth, son of Featha.”

The young male dropped his head respectfully, his eyes turned away. There seemed something so young and uncertain about him that Terri felt an upwelling of sympathy for him. She glanced over at her mate.

“Veral, perhaps we should hear him out. This was clearly an accident. I told you I would wake someone.”

Her mate grunted sourly but nodded as he shifted their positions so that he could sit up and face his relative while keeping her on his lap due to their currently locked together state.

“As you can see, we are well, so leave us,” he hissed impatiently.

The other male balked but nodded, and he set his shoulders as if steeling himself but didn’t otherwise move. Veral’s frown deepened into a glower.

“Why are you still here?” he snapped.

Dreth held his ground as he rapidly spoke.

“I know I have no right to ask this, but I heard of your return and wanted to speak before you meet with my mother. I request a favor,” he said.

Terri bit back a groan and dropped her cheek against her mate’s chest.

Fucking perfect.


Veral narrowed his eyes on his cousin, his processors filing away the male’s image and identity. He had not known that Featha birthed a second son. Kaylar had not made mention of a younger brother. This male was young, no older than fifty revolutions, if he was not mistaken. He had been born long after Veral had left Argurumal. He did not understand why the male would come to him if he needed assistance since they were veritable strangers.

“I do not know how I may help you,” he replied. “I have not been to Argurumal in many revolutions and have no sway here.”

“That is where you are wrong, cousin,” Dreth corrected. “You are still head of our line. Mother has been holding it in proxy, but everyone knows that, should you return, the authority would revert back to you. When this happens, I ask that you close any arrangements that my mother may make for me and declare me ganshar, unmateable.”

Veral gasped, causing his civix to move just enough within Terri that she squeaked, and even he was forced to hold back a moan in reaction to the pleasurable tug. Instead, he focused completely on the male in front of him.

“To be declared ganshar is no trivial matter,” Veral warned quietly. “You will not be able to be around or take a mate from any female on Argurumal. It is reserved usually by only the worst and most violent members of our society. Why do you wish such a punishment?”