Page 25 of Broken Earth

Terri arched her back, lifting her hips eagerly. She could feel something building and she raced toward it, needed it with a desperation that was unfamiliar. Sheneededrelief, for the dam to break, yet it seemed elusive, making her whimper. Though his size made it difficult for her to wrap her legs around him, she hooked her calves, pressing the heel of her feet against him in silent demand.

Veral seemed to understand. He growled, the sound layering with the purring of his mandibles, and his pace increased.

She wiggled against his seeking cock. She’d released her legs to dig her heels into his bed and push herself up against him. His arms wrapped around her hips, drawing her higher as he sat up, driving down into her at such an angle that it set her nerves on fire. It felt… different. Whatever it was, it was intensifying every sensation as he rutted into her.

When the explosive orgasm came, it caught her off-guard, snapping through her so powerfully that she couldn’t even summon the voice to scream out her pleasure. Her mouth gaped wide, an airy shriek breaking loose as something lodged deep within her. Veral’s purring ceased and he voiced a shaky growl, his mandibles flaring wide. He crushed his lips against the base of her throat as his cock began to jerk within her, whipping strangely unlike its previous movement as it attached to her womb. Hot ejaculations sprayed into her, covering the walls of her cunt, but the movement and pressure set off another orgasm. Her belly contracted and spasmed as it accepted the gift that Veral provided. That time, she did scream.

He let out a final roar as his mandibles descended, the hooked edge of each piercing into the side of her neck as a hot fluid seeped out of them directly into her bloodstream. The pain startled her before a new pleasure welled up within her that had her wailing with ecstasy.

She was coming down from bliss when she felt his mandibles release her. His twin tongues slipped over her throat, seeping something sticky on the wounds. She watched in fascination as he lifted his head. She saw tiny tube-like tips at the end of his tongues before they closed, and his tongues retreated back into his mouth. Gasping from the raw sensations flooding her body, she attempted to move her hips. She didn’t get far. Veral pressed his pelvis firmly against hers, holding her in place.

“Veral? What’s going on?” she said, her wiggling attempts renewing until she moved just enough to feel a sharp pain.

“Do not!” he growled, a low painful hiss mirroring her own gasp. She shuddered around his invading length, rhythmically, sending small tremors shooting through her. “We are locked as my body completes implantation. If you move before my civix releases your womb, it will cause us both pain.”

“Implantation?” she squeaked in alarm. Instinctively, she kicked against him in hope of dislodging him. He growled and held her tighter in response.

“The first mating culminates in implantation to secure the bonds between the male and female. Sometimes a fetus thrives, but often not in the first attempt with the body chemistry still altering and aligning,” he muttered into her skin.

Her eyes widened. “Fetus!As in baby?”

Veral gave her a puzzled look. “Do you not know how offspring are conceived?”

She flushed. “I do, but I didn’t think it would be possible between different species.”

He jerked his head in a nod. “It is untried to my knowledge. It is possible that we will never spawn offspring, but that will not stop my body from trying to seed yours.”

She cleared her throat and swallowed as she shifted against him. “So, when you say seed, you’re literally depositing into me.”

He cocked his head, studying her reaction.

“Yes, I release both the seed and semen. When it latches onto your womb and draws nutrients into its body, its genetic code will adjust to include your own chromosomes.”

Terri panted. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I assume you mean it’ll include something of myself in it if it survives.”

“Yes,” he responded.

She lifted one hand to her neck. “You bit me too,” she observed tonelessly, a bit shell-shocked over the whole baby implantation thing.

“Both my semen and the toxins from my mandibles carry the necessary nanos into your blood to secure our bond, along with my chemical imprint. It is both instinctive to my species and an advantage of our cybernetic pair bondings. My tongue ventors release a hormonal sap necessary to seal the wound afterward. That is the cap you feel,” he explained as his eyes narrowed on her hand.

“Will it change me?” she whispered nervously, her fingers still twitching around the dry caps over her wound.

“Minimally. Your aging will slow to be in time with mine, the nanos repairing your cells and any damage you sustain. You will heal faster and will survive even critical wounds with proper care. That is all you will experience without the interference of the Council.”

Terri’s fingers on one hand dug into his forearm where it had slipped upon releasing the horn protruding from his shoulder. “What would the Council do?”

“Nothing.” He growled fiercely. “I will prevent it. You aremine!”

“Yours,” she murmured in agreement. “And you’re mine, right?”

His icy eyes gleamed down at her as he dropped his nose to nuzzle her jaw. “Eternally.”

Her eyes slid shut in relief. Eventually his body shifted off hers, though their sexes were still locked together, and he eased them onto their sides to rest comfortably upon the luxurious bedding. She hadn’t noticed it until then, but she snuggled her cheek against the slick softness and sighed appreciatively.

Veral lay there and held her for some time before his sex finally dislodged, warm cum spilling out over her thighs. He did not leave except to search out a cleansing cloth to wipe their mingled fluids off them. Once that was accomplished, he rejoined her, wrapping his body more comfortably around hers. His body warmed hers as his mandibles renewed their purring vibration, lulling her to sleep.