Page 43 of Broken Earth

He set his ship down and opened the portals wide, releasing the females from the hold.


Terri paced in the gardens, a flower in her hand. Everything was so beautiful, as she’d once imagined it might be, but she felt restless. The people were perfectly welcoming… to every human who arrived, anyway.

They were reserved around Veral, making it abundantly clear that they did not care for his presence. She knew they were afraid of him, but they also claimed that his very presence disturbed the peace and tranquility of their city. In true Veral fashion, her mate had scoffed at the claim, earning him few favors. He had been absent more often, leaving her to explore the city alone. That disturbed her not only because she missed his company terribly, but because many of the men took every occasion to court her despite her vehement insistence that she was already mated.

Thank goodness for Becky. If she ever thought Josie was a force of nature, the woman had nothing on her daughter. Becky had run off all of Terri’s suitors when her own tactics didn’t work. After having to endure it for the fourth time that day, Terri was annoyed with them and her absent mate.

Snarling a curse under her breath, Terri threw the flower down and stomped out of the garden, heading directly for the ship, where she knew Veral was holed up. Dreaming up every insult she could fling at her male, she entered the ship and headed straight for the command station. Krono looked up at her from where he lay as she peeled through the doorway. She glanced down at him in passing only to collide with the person she was seeking in a rain of flowers.

Falling on her ass, she coughed and sneezed as pollen scattered over her. Brushing flower petals off her, she looked over and met the eyes of her mate. His vibrissae were flattened to his head as he stared down at the tempest of flowers, not meeting her eyes.

What was going on with him?

Leaning forward, she plucked a few scattered petals off his nose and cheeks, her lips curving into a smile. “These must have been very beautiful flowers,” she said softly.

“I searched for the best I could find, but it was more difficult than I believed. I tried to calculate what dimension would make the most pleasing flower but failed to find those that perfectly fit my expectations. I know human customs involve a demonstration of flower-giving to show their affections. My databases state that is because flowers represent sexual organs, but it is strange as it seems more expedient to just show one’s own sex. Regardless, I wished to adhere to something you would recognize and enjoy. I wanted to find the most favorable flowers to demonstrate the height of my feelings.”

She chuckled and eased forward so that her body rested against his. “That’s incredibly sweet, and I love that you think of me that way, but Veral, sometimes something is beautiful even with its imperfections. I’m not perfect, nor do I expect a gift to be perfect. It’s important because it comes from you. I don’t even need flowers to show it. Love is what’s important.” She pillowed her head on his chest and looked up at him as his arms closed instinctively around her. “Do you love me, Veral?”

“The word love is one that occurs frequently in the downloads I retrieved from your satellite. There is nothing like it in the Argurma language. My programming would suggest such emotions would be due to malfunctions in my system, but I know that is not true. I find that this love matches close to my feeling for you, though it doesn’t express the depth of my emotion enough. I have never felt for another, anastha, and yet for you, I feel everything.”

“That sure sounds like love to me,” she whispered. “I love you too, Veral.”

He gave her a sidelong look. “You would not prefer to stay among the humans and find a more…suitable,” he growled out, “mate in this place?”

Terri snorted. “Find a guy… here? I would die from boredom. We haven’t even been here a full day and already I’m bored. Honestly, Veral, I can’t believe you would even think that. I don’t wish to be parted from my mate. I loveyouand would miss your crotchety attitude way too much. Besides, I think I still owe you a debt.”

His glowing, blue eyes narrowed on her, his vibrissae shuddering as a smile kicked up the corners of his lips. “You do have an unresolved debt,” he agreed. “You are a good partner, plus I would… enjoy your company. You may also find the chance to visit many planets rewarding and of interest.”

A slow smile stretched over her lips. “No need to sell it to me. You had me at ‘I love you.’ I’ll follow you anywhere after those three little words.”

He huffed. “It would have helped if someone had told me that it was that simple. I’ve been trying for hours to find the best way to convince you to stay.”

“The flowers were a good start,” she agreed, her grin widening.

He stepped forward and dragged the back of his knuckles over her jaw, obviously enjoying the way her eyes dilated at his touch. She enjoyed watching his own narrow pupils expanding with desire at the simple contact. “I look forward to spending a great many years proving it to you. I can think of none other I wish to be with, bond or no,” he murmured.

“All right,” she breathed. “I’m all yours.”

Veral drew her into his arms, his vibrissae surrounding her as they leaned into each other. Dropping his head, he nudged her with his nose before tilting his head to seize her lips in a kiss. Terri groaned with pleasure, happily getting lost in the sensation. Gradually, she became aware of the ship moving, rising up from the ground as it prepared to enter orbit. She giggled and surrendered completely to his ravishment.

A blinking light distracted them and eventually caused him to pull away from her.

“What’s that?” she asked.

He frowned. “An exterior receiver. Someone is trying to hail us from outside of the ship.” With a flick of his fingers, he turned the viewscreen to the source of the disruption. Two female humans jumped up and down, waving their arms below the ship. Terri laughed as she recognized her friends.

“Terri, don’t forget about us!” Meg shouted. “I love you!”

“And be sure to take advantage of all the time you have ahead of you getting plenty of alien dick!” Becky yelled happily. “I would totally be in your place right now if I could get a good one… one that’s available, anyway.” She laughed.

The women blew kisses to her and Terri clutched her hand over her heart. Veral nuzzled her cheek.

“It is time, anastha.”

She nodded her head, a wide smile spreading over her face as the ship accelerated up into the atmosphere, leaving the broken remains of Earth far behind them.