“We want shifters to be permitted to join clans, but they have to be regarded as full members with full rights. None of this pet nonsense. The shifter must offer full consent,” Sofia explained.

“The leader of the local wolf pack, Jake Tambor, is also offering input for us. We are struggling with the wording needed to keep vampires and shifters out of clan and pack affairs unless specifically invited. Or maybe I should be giving my approval. We don’t know.”

Ronan couldn’t stop his grin. He was so damn proud of Aiden. The man had such a sensible head on his shoulders, and he didn’t hesitate to reach out for help so that he had the proper expertise on a matter.

“What’s that look for?” Aiden asked.

“I’ve waited centuries to say this. I told you so.”


“I always said you’d make a better king than me. I just knew it. You denied it at every turn, but you’re simply proving me right today.” Still holding Aiden’s hand, he lifted it to his lips and kissed his knuckles. “I’m just so proud of you.”

“Wait! Does that mean Ronan was a king when he was human?” Someone demanded—possibly Ethan or maybe River, he was still learning voices—from behind them.

“A prince,” Ronan murmured, still staring into Aiden’s soft gaze.

Aiden made a dismissive noise in the back of his throat. “Your father was on his deathbed. We were riding for home so you could take the throne. You were the king and you know it.”

“And now you’re together,” Sofia interjected. There was a dangerously speculative tone to her voice that finally drew Ronan’s gaze from Aiden’s. “Does that mean you’re his consort?”

He could hear Aiden drawing a breath to answer, but Ronan spoke first. “No. Never. I’m a bodyguard at best. Whether Aiden is king for a day or a hundred years, I will never be more for him. And if something should happen to him, I won’t survive it to take his place.”

“Ronan,” Aiden said sharply, fingers tightening around Ronan’s.

He shook his head, already lifting his free hand to touch Aiden’s face. “It’s the way it’s always been between us. You were always there to protect me. My vengeful shadow with the disapproving glare. I always knew that if I was killed while wearing the crown, it would be because they’d already taken you from me. Let me be your shadow now.”

Aiden turned his face into Ronan’s palm, his eyes squeezed shut as if he were in pain. Ronan understood all too well. Just the thought of them losing each other right now was too much. They’d not had enough time to settle into simply seeing each other each night. To holding each other.

“But I’m not going anywhere for a long time. I figure that I need to hold you for at least twice as many years as we were separated and maybe then you’ll start to tire of me,” Ronan teased, trying to wipe away the pain.

“Not even then,” Aiden whispered in a rough voice.

“Yep,” Sofia said suddenly, causing Aiden to lift his head and blink a couple of times as if waking from a dream. “You’ve got to keep him. Sex dungeon or not.”

Aiden sighed loudly. “There will be no sex dungeon. I can’t believe I even have to say those words.”

“I think we’re getting off track, though,” Ronan offered when Aiden seemed to be struggling.

Aiden smiled up at him gratefully. “Yes, we’re all gathered to discuss the European Ministry and their current agenda.”

Ronan followed him over to one of the sofas and sat perched on the arm closest to Aiden while everyone else found seats around the room. He rested his hand on Aiden’s shoulder because he couldn’t stop himself from touching him. It was like some part of his brain wasn’t entirely convinced Aiden wouldn’t disappear before his eyes at any second. If he just touched him, held his hand, Aiden would remain solid and not fade like a dream.

When everyone was ready, Aiden launched into a quick summary of the meeting he had with Mara earlier in the evening, along with the threats. No one seemed particularly surprised by the news, but they certainly weren’t pleased with it either.

“Why? What’s the point in having control over whoever is ruling the Americas?” Fox inquired, his arms folded over his chest while he leaned against Winter.

“It wasn’t such a huge concern a couple of hundred years ago because there was less communication back and forth across the ocean. But with telephones, internet, and email, news spreads much faster. What happens in the Americas has the potential to influence vampires in Europe and vice versa,” Marcus explained.

“And the European Ministry prefers to control what happens and changes in Europe,” Sofia added. “Or rather make sure nothing changes. Vampires are horrible about change in general, but the European vampires are like goddamn glaciers when it comes to movement.”