It was just another reason why it was time for him to take matters into his own hands. Ronan’s safety wasn’t the only thing at risk. He had to keep his family safe. They’d been through too much, faced too many threats over the past year. They deserved a chance at happiness and peace at long last.

As they drew closer to the other vehicles, Aiden could see the vampires climbing out to stand on the frozen asphalt, bundled up against the frigid night air. There were easily two dozen gathered, maybe more. And in the front of the assembled group stood the slight form of Mara with her faithful bodyguard right behind her left shoulder. The only one Aiden couldn’t see was Ronan. Had they put him somewhere else? Used his phone as a decoy to lure them away?

Aiden’s heart sped up as he searched the gathering again and again for his lover. He had to be there. He couldn’t lose him. He would fly to fucking Europe and tear down the entire Ministry to get Ronan back.

“There. Pull over near the building,” Aiden directed sharply. He needed to get out of the car, to face them.

Wyatt followed his instructions, parking off to the side of the road. Aiden had his door open and his foot on the ground before the wolf even had the SUV thrown into park. Behind him he could hear doors being thrown open and shoes hitting the asphalt. Grabbing on to his last shreds of self-control, Aiden forced himself to slow his pace, giving the rest of his family the chance to catch up with him. While Aiden planned to act alone, he knew they had to stand together as a family.

Fifty yards away, Mara stood bundled in a long wool coat that was cinched at her narrow waist. A smug smile was on her pale face. Another vampire stepped up to stand beside her. This had to be the infamous Christopher Heller. Aiden had never actually seen the vampire prior to this moment. Despite being a former member of the American Ministry, he’d been content to hide in Damon James’s shadow.

“I’ve spoken with the European Ministry, Aiden,” Mara called out. “It seems they are feeling generous and are willing to give you a second chance. As you know, we have the traitor and we are taking him back to Europe, but they won’t kill him if you agree to their terms.”

“Where is he?” Aiden demanded.

“Are you going to submit to the demands—”

“Where is he?” Aiden bellowed. His voice broke across the valley like a crack of violent thunder, and every one of the vampires he faced jumped. His temper was at the breaking point. He wasn’t sure if he could offer mercy now even if they begged him. His heart was screaming and his head was throbbing. Ronan, the man he was never supposed to see again, the man he was never supposed to kiss, to hold, to love, was alive, and he couldn’t lose him now.

Mara frowned, her shoulders stiffening at his tone. She made a quick motion with her hand and two vampires hurried over to the rear of an SUV. They opened it and Aiden could see them roughly pulling a rumpled and battered Ronan from it. As they got him to his feet and marched him toward Mara, Aiden could see the trickle of dried blood running from his temple to his jaw. His shirt was torn and splashed with blood, but Aiden had a feeling it was the blood of the vampires he’d killed.

Some small bit of the panic subsided and for the first time since Ronan’s disappearance, Aiden could breathe again. While Ronan was a little battered, he didn’t look to be in bad shape. His hands were bound in front of him, but he still had all his digits and was walking with relative ease. No, Mara was making sure to deliver Ronan in good condition so the Ministry could enjoy itself breaking him.

But that was never going to happen. Even if Aiden didn’t ride to Ronan’s rescue, he knew his old friend was not going to be beaten by the Ministry.

“Hello, darling,” Ronan said with a grin.

Aiden wanted to laugh and shake him in between his broken sobs. “So, this was your plan to lead us to the Heller clan? To uncover all who threaten me?” Aiden asked. He sounded weary and maybe even incredulous to his own ears.

Ronan shrugged as if it were no big deal. “Well, it seemed the most expedient solution.”

“We caught him! He handed himself over to protect you!” Mara cried, but Aiden and Ronan ignored her.

There was a low growl to his left, and Aiden looked down to find River in his wolf form standing next to him, his head low and hackles raised while white teeth were bared in anger. He hadn’t realized that Wyatt and River had changed into their wolf forms.