But they didn’t.

The fear and frustration were living things inside of his chest that he couldn’t shed no matter the laughing and teasing comments of his family around him. No matter the warm hand that held his the entire drive home.

“Aiden.” Ronan’s sharp voice stopped him as he stalked across the foyer upon their arrival at the estate. He’d thought he could escape to his bedroom where a hot shower would wash off the last of the distasteful memory of the night and hopefully some of the fear.

“Please, my king,” Ronan continued when he didn’t turn around.

Clenching his teeth, Aiden turned and was knocked back a step to find Ronan on his knees in the middle of the foyer. His sons stood behind him, stunned, their eyes wide and mouths hanging open as they took in the scene.

“We need to face this now, or those emotions will fester,” Ronan pressed. “I’m sorry. I should have spoken with you first. Made a plan. But I didn’t. I was afraid that you wouldn’t let me take the risk when I knew it would work.”

“You didn’t know!” Aiden shouted as the anger and fear boiled out of him. “You didn’t know that it would work, and you could have died!”

“I was selfish. I wanted only to keep you and your family safe.”

“There are no martyrs in the Varik family,” River said evenly and from the corner of his eye, Aiden could see Bel pull his wolf in close, placing a nuzzling kiss to his neck.

“To be a Varik, we plan and act as one,” Rafe added. “We support each other in everything. Even if we don’t always understand it.”

“I want to be a Varik,” Ronan pleaded, his voice wavering. “I know I don’t deserve it. If you want, I’ll leave tonight, but I promise to spend the rest of my days doing everything I can to earn my place among you. To earn your love.”

Aiden walked over to Ronan and ran his fingers through the man’s dark hair. They tightened and pulled slightly, tilting Ronan’s head up. “You scared me. So much.” His voice shook, but he didn’t care. “The first time I lost you…it almost broke me. And then losing Julianna. I can’t lose you again so soon. I love you so much.”

“You do?”

“I loved the man you were. And I love the man you are now, even if he is an impulsive idiot who has no idea that the family he’s protecting wants very much to keep him safe as well.”

“Forgive me, my king. My Aiden.”

“Of course.”

“No!” Rafe howled. “You’ve got to let him beg some more.”

“Yes, I think he should definitely beg more,” Philippe murmured.

“He’s quite good at it,” Marcus observed.

Ronan’s smile returned, but there was a lovely wicked cast to it. One hand wrapped around Aiden’s calf and slowly slid upward. “Would that please my king? Would you like me to beg some more? Beg for my life. Beg for your love.”

“You could put a pretty collar on him,” Ethan suggested. “Make him sparkle while he begs.”

“Ahh Marcus, who would have guessed Little Varik would develop such a fondness for collars?” Rafe teased.

“Jealous?” Marcus taunted right back at him.

Aiden blocked out the taunting remarks of his sons to slide his hand down from Ronan’s hair to cup the side of his upturned face. “No begging required. I love you.”

Ronan closed his eyes and pressed his lips to the palm of Aiden’s hand. A shudder ran through him, and Aiden swore he felt a tear dampen his skin. “I’ve waited lifetimes to hear those words, never believing I would. I learned to regret my entire human life because I never said them to you. I love you, Aiden. I always have.”

“I knew. I saw it in every smile and heard it in your voice.” Aiden rubbed his thumb over Ronan’s chin and smiled. “Come upstairs with me. Let me make sure those bastards didn’t harm a hair on you.” Not that he expected to find any injuries on his lover. By now, he would be properly healed, but he knew the only way to chase away the last tendrils of fear was to inspect every inch of Ronan.

“So, I take it we’re making him an official member of the Varik clan later,” Winter drawled, the sarcasm heavy in his voice.

“Later,” Aiden grumbled, but as Ronan climbed back to his feet, he was turning toward the gathering of his sons and sons-in-law.

“Would you accept me as part of your clan? It’s been a very long time since I was last in a clan, but I swear to serve the Variks—”

“It’s not about serving the Variks,” Marcus said, cutting off whatever oath Ronan was ready to make. “It’s about supporting and loving your clanmates, no matter whether they are vampire, shifter, witch, or human. Your family.”