“I want your son, Winter. I want the personal executioner of the Varik clan. The spy. The only vampire whose name causes a ripple of fear through all of our kind. I want him.”

Aiden was already shaking his head, but Damon held up one hand to stop any words that were about to fall from Aiden’s lips.

“I won’t harm a hair on his head unless I must. I only wish for him to officially leave the Variks and join my clan. He would work for me. Be my spy and my executioner. And as long as you and your other sons abide by my wishes, he will continue to live and serve me.” Lowering his hand, Damon gave a small nod of his head. “You may take a couple of moments to think about my kind offer.”

Lacing his fingers together behind his back, Aiden turned from Damon and slowly strolled across the room, seeming to take in the other Delacroix paintings. Winter joined him in his walk, knowing they couldn’t speak since Damon would hear everything.

As Winter saw it, they had two clear options. Winter could grab Aiden and part the veil between worlds. Once invisible, they could escape and prepare for war.

The other option was that Aiden take Damon up on his offer. Winter joined Damon’s clan, giving up both his family and Fox, in order to keep them all safe. While a miserable existence, it would hopefully give him the chance to be close to Damon and eventually kill the vampire.

Winter stood silently beside Aiden, his heart racing but he was also strangely calm. He trusted Aiden, always had. Whatever Aiden decided, he would follow because he knew it would be what was best for him and the family. Best for everyone.

A smile slowly spread across Aiden’s lips, and his shoulders relaxed slightly before he looked over at Winter. And then he winked. Winter couldn’t guess what Aiden had planned, but he was sure it would be an adventure.

“You’ll probably think me gauche and predictable, but I have a different favorite of Delacroix’s paintings,” Aiden said.

“Really? And which would that be?”

Aiden spun around and nodded to the painting on the far wall that was supposed to be in the Louvre, but it was his understanding that the original actually hung in The Gallery. The French palatial museum held the fake.

“Liberty Leading the People,” Aiden said. The famous painting was a bare-chested woman leading fighters over barricades and dead bodies with a musket in one hand and the French flag in the other.

Damon sneered at Aiden, almost immediately turning his back on the classic. “And you would make me to be the fallen King Charles X in this little lesson?”

Aiden smiled. “You remember your French history. But no, you’re no fallen French king. I like the painting because it is a reminder that people will always fight for their freedom and will follow a leader who believes in their cause.” The smile fell away, and Aiden’s voice turned to ice. “And you will never have my son.”

Winter tensed while his heart sang at Aiden’s angry words. He would have gone to Damon’s clan if it was what Aiden wanted, but he had no desire to ever leave his family.

But there was no explosion of rage. Just laughter.

“I expected as much, but I did have to try,” Damon said with a shrug. “I will slaughter all the Variks as well as the Montgomerys. You’ve caused me nothing but trouble.” Damon’s gaze snapped over to Winter and his grin turned particularly cruel. “And before this night is over, I mean to take back what you stole from me.”

“Fox!” Winter snarled. He didn’t think. Rage and fear swept over him in massive engulfing waves. Sliding his hands along his waist, he palmed the two slender knives hidden on his person and started to launch himself at Damon.

He didn’t get far. Heavy footsteps pounded across the marble floor, the sound echoing through the art gallery. Damon grinned triumphantly at him as his loyal followers stormed The Gallery. It was clear they were about to be significantly outnumbered. Winter needed to kill Damon, but he also needed to get home to Fox.

“Winter!” Aiden shouted.

He flew to his father’s side, putting his own body between Damon and Aiden.

“It’s time to leave,” Aiden said calmly.

As much as Winter wanted to stay and fight, it was best they beat a quick retreat. He tapped his powers and pulled aside the veil. Aiden automatically grabbed Winter’s hand and followed his son into the world of the dead. The moment they vanished, Damon screamed and lunged at where they stood. Winter shoved Aiden to the side while attempting to slam his blade down into Damon’s neck. The sharp metal simply passed through his flesh like it wasn’t even there. Or rather like Winter wasn’t even there.