A strange expression crossed Fox’s face, and it looked to Winter that he might be disappointed. Winter would be more than happy to continue what they were doing. He’d be glad to pin Fox to the couch and fuck his brains out, but he’d been through a traumatic experience and needed to rest. Winter didn’t want to take advantage of him.

Fox moved off of Winter’s lap, allowing the vampire to climb to his feet. As he did at the end of every night, Winter checked the security system as well as the systems at his brothers’ homes. Everything looked okay.

At the stairs, he threaded his fingers with Fox’s and walked up to the second floor with him. They stopped just outside of Fox’s bedroom, and Winter found he couldn’t let go of Fox’s hand. He looked at their fingers entwined, a small smile playing on his lips.

“You have the most adorable smile,” Fox said.

Winter rolled his eyes, but his smile grew. “I was just thinking that I’ve never held a man’s hand before. It’s nicer than I was expecting.”

“It is pretty fantastic.”

“Would you feel more comfortable sleeping in your bed alone or would you rather—” Winter didn’t even get the chance to finish the question. Fox tugged on his hand, pulling Winter to the master bedroom, Winter’s chuckles following behind them.

“I don’t want to sleep alone tonight,” Fox muttered.

Winter was not complaining about this arrangement. He’d learned the hard way the previous day that he didn’t care for sleeping away from Fox if he could help it. After a restless day, he’d finally crawled into Fox’s bed when the man had fallen asleep and cuddled close only to slip away again before Fox woke at the sunset.

Stripping off his T-shirt, Winter pulled back the sheets on the side of the bed closest to the door while Fox moved around to the other side.

“Besides, I thought this would save you the trip of moving to my bed later,” Fox murmured.

Winter froze with one knee on the bed, his head snapping up to look at Fox’s wicked grin. “You knew?”

“Woke up at one point to these wonderful arms wrapped around me.”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have. That was creepy.”

Fox tossed the covers aside and crawled across the bed. He kissed Winter, silencing any additional apologies. “I thought it was sweet.”

“Good.” His shoulders slumped with relief. He’d felt bad about doing it and knew he should have apologized that night, but they’d immediately gotten caught up in their little expedition to Luke’s for information. He’d hoped Fox wouldn’t mind.

“How about I just sleep in here until you tell me that you need a little space?”

Winter smiled, pressing his lips to Fox’s again. “If it’s not too much trouble.”

“Anything for you, baby.”

“Then get your ass in the bed and go to sleep.”

Still smiling, Fox bounced off the bed and quickly stripped off the sleep pants he was wearing. He climbed into the bed, wearing only a pair of thin briefs. Winter flipped off the light, trying to think of anything but the beauty of his skin and the dance of muscles as he moved. Nothing was going to happen. They were going to sleep and if he was lucky, he was going to hold Fox. That was it. The man had been through enough tonight.

Winter got into bed, still wearing his sweat pants. It was fucking uncomfortable and hot under the blankets, but he felt like it made it more likely that he was going to behave himself.

Fox shimmied closer and Winter immediately turned to spoon his slim body, wrapping one arm around his waist.

“Do you always sleep in pants?”


Fox made a sound like muffled laughter. “Then why are you doing it now? Please don’t say it’s to protect my delicate sensibilities.”

“Maybe it’s to protect mine.” Fox’s laugh rang out, and Winter’s world was a better place for it. He wanted Fox laughing all the time.

“Are you saying I’m more than you can handle?” As he spoke, Fox was sure to press his ass even more into Winter’s groin and wiggle it. Winter moved his hand down from his waist to his hip, trying to stop his movements with no success.

“I’m saying you’re too much temptation, and I’m trying to be considerate. You’ve been through a traumatic event tonight. You need rest and time to recover.”

“You know what helps with recovery?”

“I’m afraid to ask,” Winter mumbled.

Fox rolled over so that he was now facing Winter. His hands slid up his chest, pausing to pinch one nipple. “Hot, sweaty, ‘fuck me against the wall until I can’t remember my name’ sex.”

Winter clenched his teeth to hold in the moan rising in his throat. He’d started to get hard the moment Fox pulled him toward his bedroom, but he was trying to be good. Considerate. Compassionate.

Fox’s hand moved across the front of his sweats, caressing his dick. The moan broke from his lips, and his hips punched forward of their own accord as if his cock was seeking even more contact and friction.