Shoving to his feet, Bel took one step over, moving in front of Wyatt as if to physically protect him from the intruder. “What’s going on, Winter?”

“This is Casey Birch. She’s a member of Albert’s pack,” Winter announced as he stepped around the woman. He pulled off his coat and tossed it over the back of the couch.

“No, that’s impossible. She’s a member of the Redwood pack in California,” Wyatt quickly said.

Bel’s heart gave a little skip at the nugget of information. He’d always been hesitant to ask River and Wyatt anything about their former pack, even where they were from originally. He would never have guessed that they’d grown up on the other side of the country.

“Things changed drastically for the family after that night,” Casey said in a low voice. She lifted her gaze, but instead of looking at Wyatt, she directed all her anger and hatred at River.

Bel could feel the intense pain and sorrow shooting through River. He was not going to tolerate it. “I want her out of my house!” Bel stalked toward her, pointing toward the door. He wasn’t sure what she saw, but the woman paled, and she was backpedaling for each of his steps.

“Whoa, Bel!” Winter started, but it was Wyatt’s restraining hand on his shoulder that brought him to a stop.

“It’s okay, Bel. River and I suspected things would go poorly for our families after we left. We weren’t the only ones who have suffered over the years.”

“But they abandoned you! Family doesn’t do that! Family sticks together. Protects each other. Loves each other no matter what.”

“Not everyone is a Varik,” Rafe growled.

“It’s different for wolves. I’m not excusing it. Just trying to help you understand,” Wyatt continued.

River’s arms wrapped around Bel’s waist. “It’s okay. We have our family now.”

Love, acceptance, and warmth washed through Bel, helping to tamp down the tide of rage.

“She has information that could help us,” Winter said. He edged into the room, moving in front of Casey. “Everyone is going to be civil, and just maybe, we can help each other.”

“Fine,” Bel bit out. He allowed Wyatt and River to usher him to his seat on the couch. Both of his wolves resumed their seats, and Bel was surprised to feel Ethan grab his hand and squeeze it tightly.

Winter disappeared into Bel’s office and returned, rolling the desk chair in front of him. Placing it in the middle of the room, he motioned for Casey to have a seat.

“Ms. Birch, would you like a drink of water?” Philippe politely asked. At least Philippe still had some manners. Bel just couldn’t manage it right now. Not after how Wyatt and River had been treated for the past dozen years.

“No, thank you,” she said softly, her eyes on her hands twisting in her lap.

“How long have you been part of Albert’s pack?” Wyatt asked.

Casey lifted her head, but she looked again at River first, then dragged her eyes to her brother.

“Don’t blame him,” Wyatt commanded, not allowing her to speak. “I knew I was gay long before I ever met River. He didn’t turn me gay, but meeting him was the first truly happy moment in my life.”

She managed a little shake of her head and a sigh. “After you were forced to leave, the family was seen as outcasts. Mom and Dad ended up killing each other. They both blamed one another for how you turned out. The rest of us were forced to scatter or fight for our lives. Matt, Paul, and Johanna are dead. I don’t know where David or Shawn are. Last I heard, Silvia had found a pack down south. People who had no idea who she was or her family.”

Pain lanced through Wyatt so sharply that Bel gasped. Wyatt had spoken so little of his family, but it had always been clear that he loved them and still missed them. He’d never wanted this for them. Bel wanted to send everyone away so he and River could care for their wounded lover, but they still needed more answers.

“I’m sorry you’ve suffered,” Wyatt whispered in a broken voice.

Casey stared at her brother for a moment and nodded. “I’d say you’ve got it worse if you’ve landed with a bunch of vampires.” She paused and the first glimmer of a smirk teased the corner of her mouth. “But it doesn’t look like things are really that bad.”

“It took a long time to get here, but I’m happy. We’re happy. I have a home. That’s all I wanted.”

“This is charming,” Rafe drawled. He shifted in his seat, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees while glaring at Casey. “But it’s not getting us any closer to keeping my brother and his furry little family safe.”

“Rafe!” Bel snapped.

“Are you sure you’re twins?” River asked, tilting his head up to look at him. “Because you’re nothing alike.”