“Are you going to let your brat child talk to me that way, after all I’ve done for you and her?” Lola takes a step closer to Jolie. I block her path, standing between them. When she backs off, I move back to my place beside Jolie.

“I, uh,” Henry stammers. The dude is so fucked with guilt, depression, and embarrassment he can’t see his ass from his elbow.

“As for you, Dad, I’m ashamed. I was a child when Mom died. You did nothing to shield me, and that’s fine. I dusted myself off, put my big girl panties on, and took over Mom’s dream that became mine. You need to sober up, or you’ll be dead beside her. That would suck, not to walk your daughter down the aisle one day, hold a grandchild, or fucking live like Mom couldn’t.” Jolie’s steam is slowly leaving her. I’ve been around enough Ol’ Ladies to know when that happens, it’s either tears or sleep.

“Come on, sweetness. I think that’s enough for tonight.” She spins around, hands going to the ends of my shirt, and faceplants in my chest. Henry looks at me, nods his head. I don’t know if he’s thankful that I have his daughter taken care of or if he’s too drunk to care. All I care about is getting her away from it all.

“Thanks, Decker,” she whispers against my chest. I do her a solid, unsure if she’ll be able to walk the three flights of stairs tonight.

“No problem, sweetness.” I kiss the side of her head. There’s an elevator, but I’m not goin’ inside for shit, not after the stunt Lola pulled. And Henry, fuck, that man needs to grow some balls. I pick her up. Jolie’s legs wrap around my waist, her face moving into the crook of my neck, and a feeling of rightness settles me more than I ever thought possible.



I wake up wrapped around Decker, my body plastered to him. I’m so thankful last night didn’t end in a crying jag. That would have been mortifying more than going head-to-head with Aunt Lady Tremaine and my father, which, let’s be honest, he barely said anything. I think that hurt the most. The last thing I remember was sliding out of Decker’s arms, toeing off my shoes, sliding off my jeans, and him handing me one of his shirts. I went into the bathroom, not quite ready to strip down to nothing but my underwear to change in front of Decker just yet. I washed my face in the sink, took off my shirt and bra, leaving my panties on, and slid his shirt over my head. The scent that’s so uniquely Decker’s covered me from head to toe. When I walked out of the bathroom, he was already in bed, the sheet covering him to his waist and tight, sinewy muscle and tattooed chest on full display. My steps stuttered. When he lifted the sheet for me, I slid in, staying closer to my side until Decker said, “Get over here. Nothin’s happenin’ tonight. Gonna hold you, sleep, and if you’re lucky, I’ll kiss you good night.”

That’s exactly what he did, gliding his arm under my neck, pulling me closer to him. Decker’s lips met mine, and if I thought our first kiss was amazing, the second one was taking my breath away indescribably. Soft and sweet then fast and rough, my leg hiking over his when neediness built inside of me. If it weren’t for Decker pulling back, I probably would have straddled his hips and done a whole lot more.

“I can hear you thinking in my sleep, sweetness,” Decker’s voice breaks through the quietness of the room.

“It’s not bad thoughts at least.” I gaze up at him. His face is still soft from sleep.

“Yeah, you gonna tell me about it?” Decker moves so quickly it isn’t until he’s wedged between my now spread thighs, one of his hands holding my cheek, the other holding him up, that I realize what’s happening. But it’s not him doing that that’s keeping me from responding, it’s the way I can feel every damn nuance of his length—hot, hard, and freaking massive.

“Decker,” his name pours out, hips arching as he barely makes any movement.

“Wanna hear what had you thinkin’ lustful thoughts and blushing so much.” He grinds down, allowing me to feel him again.

“Oh,” I say, then admit what he wants to hear, “Our kiss, the first and the second. I probably could have come from that alone.”

“That so? I think we should put that to the test.” His head dips down, and his lips sear to mine, tongue flicking out to lap at my lower lip. My mouth opens on a sigh. Morning breath isn’t even a thought when it comes to our kiss. Decker’s hand leaves my cheek, traveling to where the hem of his shirt I’m wearing is bunched up at my waist. At first, I think he’ll be taking that off, instead, he moves down to my hip before he cups the cheek of my ass, hitching my leg up on his waist, opening me up to feel him even more.