Page 16 of Mr. Sinister

"Is there something in particular that you are worried about?" He could see her hesitate, and he said gently, "It's your father, isn't it?"

"I don't want him to worry about me."

"You don't want him to know you've been kidnapped."

"Yes." She gazed at him searchingly. "Is that possible?"

"It depends on you entirely. I'll make sure you'll have a chance to speak to your father. You must find a way by then to convince him that you've run away of your own free will."

He let a moment pass while holding her gaze, and he only spoke again when he saw in her face that the import of his words had truly sunk in.

"If you do well, then you may be able to speak to him again. But if not..." He saw her gulp, and that was enough for him. It mattered little to him even if the older man was to know that his daughter had been kidnapped. Nothing would change either way, and it was only for Sara's sake that he was allowing her this chance.

He glanced back at his Sara, whose big brown eyes were like a storybook as her gaze spoke page after page of emotions.

Upon realizing she had been kidnapped, his Sara's eyes had shown mostly confusion and fear, and later on, when his words had shown her just how good it could fucking be between them, he had also seen in her eyes how she had been torn between guilt and lust, shame and pleasure.

Now, however—-

There was something else.

Something too fucking dangerous—-

That it made him do something he had sworn never to do, ever since he had killed his own mother.

He lied to himself about what he saw, and afterwards he deliberately put the thought out of his mind as he slid up to his full height. He loomed over her, and his Sara lifted her gaze to him with unconcealed wariness. A part of her obviously distrusted him still, but that could only be a good thing. It showed good sense on her part, and it was always better to fuck someone with brains than one without.

"You'll have half an hour to shower and change," he told her. "I want you in bed after that, preferably asleep."

She didn't answer right away, her expression telling him that she was silently weighing his words.

"You need to rest," he pointed out. "The last hours for you have been eventful."

Understatement of the year, the spark in her Bambi eyes told him, and he nearly smirked at this. Indeed it was, but that didn't make the words any less true.

"What if I don't?"

He doubted that. Her eyes were already drooping as they were. She was clearly tired, but because he could also understand why she felt obliged to defy him, he did not hesitate to give her what she wanted—-

"You'll be punished."

And that was to push her back against the wall, so her conscience would be at peace.

"Is that what you want?"

His Sara shook her head so quickly that he had to frown just as quickly to keep himself from smiling. Monsters like him did not have the right to smile, but ever since Sara entered his life, stopping himself from doing so had become the bigger challenge.

"Do we have an understanding then?"

She nodded.

"Good girl." He pressed a kiss on the top of her head, and as he walked away, he could feel her big, brown eyes following him.

She had probably expected him to demand that she have a shower with him or perhaps take her virginity even. But while he did want to do those things - and more - it was also imperative that his Sara realize for herself he was different from her fantasies.

She clearly believed that having dirty fantasies meant she knew everything there was to know about men like him. Maybe she had even convinced herself that she could second-guess what he would do next because of it.

But she was wrong, of course.

Fantasy kidnappers did not have consequences to worry over. But he did. He knew what he was doing was a crime, but he had done it anyway, and that was why men like him were worse. The sooner she came to terms with that, the easier she would be able to accept she was also a monster's captive for life.

HIS SARA WAS FAST ASLEEP by the time he returned to her room. She had changed into one of the silk peignoirs he had bought for her, and the way its neckline dipped extremely low over her tits had him inhaling sharply for control.

He wanted to fuck her, badly, but it was also because of that he knew she must be fully rested before their first night together. Otherwise, she was only likely to pass out well before he had his fill of her.

For several moments, he simply studied her. The faint track of tears on her cheek appeared fresh, and his mood turned grim and brooding at its sight.