Page 20 of Mr. Sinister

When my kidnapper finally lifts his head to break the kiss, I am a trembling, breathless mess. But at the same time, the urge to cry is completely gone. However—-

"You n-never told me your name," I stammer.

"Why do you want to know?"

Oh God, he's doing it again. He's purring, and it's still the most sinfully beautiful thing I've ever heard, and it just—-

"Because...I want to..."

Makes me go wild, like—-

"Call it out when I come."

(Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God)

His lips curve in a smirk, and it loosens the few screws in my head I have left. His too, too-sexy smirk just leaves me completely hinged, and I can barely breathe when I hear him say—-

"It won't come for free."

Oh God. I'm sorry, God, but it's official.

I'm incurably dirty, with the way my entire body is tingling with excitement at such words.

"If you want to know my name..."

Whatever he's going to ask, I know for sure it will push me beyond my limits again—-

"You'll need to suck my finger like it's my cock."

And it does.

His words leave me torn, and the way he's staring at me tells me he knows this.

I almost wish I don't have a brain at that moment, just so I wouldn't see anything in his words. It would simply be a demand based on lust, and that would be totally in keeping with my fantasies.

But because I do have a brain, I know it's not that.

I know exactly what he's asking for, and it scares me.

My heart starts twisting itself in knots, and I almost wish he'd just be cruel and threaten me, so I'm left without any choice. I want to be forced because it's easier, but because all my kidnapper does is watch me with cryptic, heart-piercing blue eyes—-

"Why me?"

I just really have to know this time, and when his jaw hardens, I know he also understands exactly what I'm asking for.

I know it would be easier for both of us if I was just the type of person who could simply enjoy being in the moment.

And honestly, I wish I could be that person.

I really do wish I could just be with a man simply because he's my every fantasy come to life.

But I'm none of those things.

If he wants me to suck his finger like seeing him cut off someone else's doesn't matter, he has to give me something to hold on to.

He needs to show me that I'm more than a captive to him, and he does...literally.

Oh God.

I feel like I'm close to fainting as he gives me a peek of his phone, and it's a screenshot of my viewing history on a porn site.

Everything makes dreadful sense in an instant, my whole world turned upside down yet again.

My eyes drift shut as I find myself savoring the hard length of his finger inside of my mouth. I feel like I've just been given a taste of how it would be to suck something bigger and harder, and the thought makes my senses flutter in a way that's now almost obscenely familiar.

He's asked me to suck his finger like it's his...member, and so I give myself a moment to imagine just that.

It's truly just one moment, but it's more than enough, and it has me so, so wet that I inadvertently make my kidnapper curse under his breath as I squirm on his lap.

Sorry, Mr. Sinister.

I can only mentally apologize to him like a little girl since my tongue and lips have already started moving on its own.