Page 32 of Mr. Sinister

I only look at him, genuinely confused. "Enough time for what?"

But Raaf is already kneeling down, and when I take a peek under the table I see him reaching for a medicine kit stored in one of the built-in drawers under our seat.

He takes a pack of cleaning wipes out and asks me to part my legs wide open.


"I am going to have to punish you if you insist on refusing," Raaf says quite gently as he looks up to meet my gaze. "It is entirely up to you."

It is indeed, and so I reluctantly part my legs open and immediately start squirming as Raaf starts wiping me clean.

I am so ready to leave when Raaf tells me he's done, but the moment I start to rise, his fingers circle my wrist, and he tugs me back down. "Not so fast, my dove."

Raaf is the one who gets to his feet instead, and I can only watch in confusion as he clears the dishes away until all that's left is the MacBook Air that he later asks me to open.

"What is this about?" I ask warily.

"I told you last night," he reminds me. "Today will be a long day as you'll start taking classes again."

"What kind of classes?" I am even more suspicious now, and a touch antsy as well. This whole classes thing smacks of BDSM, and I'm not sure if I'm ready of that.

Instead of answering, Raaf turns the laptop towards him to set up a Zoom call, and I start fidgeting again. Dear God. What do I do if it turns out that Raaf has signed me up for some kinky online course—-

Oh. My. God.

Ivy Creek High's principal suddenly shows up on the laptop screen, and my jaw drops as he tells me with significant pride that approval for my transfer request to the home study program has been expedited. "Please do not hesitate to call me if there is anything you need or you have any questions. My door is always open to our school's most precious students."

I'm not sure if his open-door policy has always been a thing, but...since when did I become a precious student?

"In the meantime, let me invite you to your first class..."

What? Now? Truly?

"There you go, Ms. Perez." Mr. Tezel beams at me. "All you need to do is click on the invitation..."

And this, Raaf takes the initiative to do with a double tap on the trackpad.

Shit, oh God, shit, shit, shit!

Everything after that happens a little too fast for me, with a still-topless Raaf bending down to drop a quick, hard kiss on my mouth. "Have fun in school, my dove." He straightens and walks away, and it's only then I realize that he's done all that...with forty-plus other students of Ivy Creek High gawking at us the entire time.

The Laptop

I can't remember having this many eyes watching me, and that's saying a lot, considering all of the times I've been bullied and turned into a laughingstock in my almost four years of high school hell. It's all his fault, of course, and he just keeps making it worse, too.

Every time my Raaf walks behind my seat, he'd have every girl in class glaring at me like they're personally offended that someone like me is sharing screen time with someone like him. I keep mouthing at Raaf to please, please put a shirt on, just to make them hate on me less, but he only gives me this sexy little smirk every time I do, and because I'm still super easy where he's concerned, all is immediately forgiven.

That the other kids would start talking about me behind my back is a given, but unlike before I actually find myself more amused than hurt when I finally come across a newly-put-up thread about me. And since it's all anonymous, no one's holding back on the comments: some say I've run away from home to become a highly-paid hooker while others think I've signed up for a virginity auction, which I didn't even know was a thing. And then there are those who think I've become a mistress, but there's still much debate about whether my Raaf is a mob boss or a secret millionaire with grossly perverted tastes.

Morning classes finally come to an end, and I nearly collapse with relief in my seat. I didn't even realize I've been so tense the entire time until this moment, and it's while I'm stretching and twisting to loosen my muscles that I catch Raaf looking at me.

"All done?"

"For an hour at least," I say with a smile.

"Good." He's been "working" from the couch all this time as well, but he doesn't hesitate to close his laptop at my words, and I feel my mouth dry as I watch him rise to his feet.

My senses flutter away like they always do as he walks towards me with the deceptively leisurely grace of a predatory cat. Even though I now know the real him, there will always be a part of me that would find him frightening, and honestly, I wouldn't want it any other way. He's never going to be "safe" like other guys, but that's also why I'll always find him completely irresistible.