Page 48 of Mr. Sinister

For one thing, I finally found out where Raaf has held me hostage (Cozumel, Mexico)...along with the fact that my father was a lawbreaker himself in his younger days. It's still not something he wants to talk about, however, but since Raaf is similarly close-mouthed himself with his own past, I'm beginning to think reticence is just a given where their, um, childhood activities are concerned.

Raaf and I have also moved in together, and we live in the apartment next to Father's while Gerard and the rest live one floor down. Father has been adamant about this, and he says it's the only way he'll seriously try being friends with my former kidnapper.

That Father's essentially blackmailing us didn't really sit well with me, but since Raaf was swift to say yes, I can't exactly complain. In any case, Father did keep his word, and while they're not what I'd call the best of friends, both men always have the time of their life whenever the topic of my personal well-being and safety comes up.

Father and Raaf have somehow convinced themselves that I'm some kind of magnet for really, really bad people. As a result, I have undercover security following me round the clock, and while I'm still not sure how I feel about it, I've decided to let it be....for now.

There are more important things for me to worry about, like Raaf "investing" in Ivy Creek High as well as acquiring Tap N Tap from my former boss, who's now happily retired. 'Boundaries' clearly isn't in his vocabulary, and I'm just the tiniest bit apprehensive about what Raaf intends to do with his new purchases. Whatever it is, it probably won't be anything good, and I'm still fretting over it when my eyes start to droop.

"Wake up, my dove."

Raaf's soft voice draws me out of sleep, and I open my eyes just in time to see him bending over me to unbuckle my seatbelt.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep," I mumble.

"I'd be sorry if you didn't. You never get enough rest in a day."

"Uh..." I want to tell him he's being overprotective again, but I'm distracted by the way his aftershave teases my nostrils as he pulls back.

Why does he always smell so good?

It's almost maddening, really. I smell this scent every day now, but I just can't seem to get enough—-


I catch Raaf smirking at me, and my face flames.

"Is it really that good?"

Oh God.


"Always get turned on by the way I smell," he finishes for me.


"It's nothing to feel shy about. I'm yours to sniff as much as you want." And as if to demonstrate, his fingers curve around my nape, and I can only whimper when he slowly guides my mouth down to the side of his neck.

Oh dear.

My toes curl hard, and even though I know I'm falling straight into his trap, I just can't resist it. I take a litle sniff—-


His chuckle is low and sexy, a sound that's only for my ears, and the knowledge has me squirming in my seat.

Do not get wet, Sara!

Do not!

I start to lift my head, but the fingers around my nape tighten, and I stop moving.

"You can do something else, you know."

I can?

I give his neck a little lick, and I can't help but smile to myself as Raaf's powerful body shudders.

See that, Krista?

Raaf firmly pulls away after a moment, and I can only smile weakly when his eyes promis retribution.


In my desire to put Krista in her place, I've forgotten how much Raaf hates to lose even the smallest bit of control in public. But then...surely he can make an exception just this once? I'm his fiancée, and when I see a girl flirt with my—-