Page 9 of Mr. Sinister

But this?

Being kidnapped?

And worse, being kidnapped by a man who likely has plans for me the way one would plan to write a script for the next Saw sequel?

I've always been honest with myself about my shameful...predilections. I fantasize constantly about being abducted and forced to submit myself to my captor. But...that's all it was supposed to be.

A fantasy.

Fantasies aren't supposed to turn real, but now that mine has, all I want to do is go home and beg God for forgiveness.

I'm sorry, God!

I'm sorry!

So please...could You help me?

Tears prick my eyes, but I furiously blink them away. Crying will only get me killed, and I have absolutely no plans of dying.

Wariness creeps into my soul when I try the door and find it unlocked. Is that good or bad? I strive to remember what every survivor of Texas Chainsaw Massacre had to do to stay alive, but all I can recall is how the last actress standing usually ends up almost naked by the time post-credits start rolling. Does that mean I should undress—-

Stop being stupid, Sara!

Since internal strategizing is obviously getting me nowhere, I simply push the door open and burst out of my room. I'm ready to battle even zombies if that's what it takes, but instead all I see is a narrow, low-ceilinged hallway, and its anti-climactic emptiness has me tripping over my own feet.


I'm not the type to scream, but right now I can't think of anything more tempting. The tension inside of me is fast reaching boiling point, and I just want to scream everything out. Just scream and scream until whoever it is behind this would finally come out and get on with it...whatever it might turn out to be.

I spy a set of steps at the end of the hallway, but then I notice something else, and I realize something might already be spying on me this very moment. There are four security cameras installed in the hallway, and there are probably more that's hidden. It's just my luck, I think numbly, to have a kidnapper who left nothing to chance.

I feel like throwing up as I begin climbing up the stairs one nerve-wracking step at a time, and my heart is racing so fast it's forced my lungs to keep up and turns the air I exhale into frantic little pants.

A part of me is tempted to turn back and simply curl myself into a ball until I've lost my mind and all of this ceases to be real. But because it's simply not in me to take the coward's way out—-

One step at a time, Sara.

One step at a time.

One step after another.

But when I finally reach the top, I instantly wish I had never made it instead.

This can't be.

I start to sway in my feet, and quickly clutch the handrail to keep myself from falling.

I really thought I could make it.

Keep your shit together, Sara Perez!

When I open my eyes again, the first thing I notice is a yellow Post-It stuck on the screen of a wall-mounted monitor. It's easily the same size as the whiteboard in my high school classroom while the four leather recliners before it would make the perfect ad for a home cinema.

If I have any doubts left about how loaded my kidnapper is, then this...this lounge I'm in effectively lays all of my questions to rest. The entire area has the look and feel of a reception lobby of a five-star hotel: it has its own bar in one corner, a small but state-of-the-art kitchen (but no knifes in display), and multiple seating areas.

There are more windows than walls in this place, but for now they're completely wasted on the moon-less evening outside. I can hear the waves roll and crash against the hull, but all I see when I peer outside is the boat's well-lit exterior: a large sun pad on the bow, an outdoor dining area on the stern, and side decks that are only wide enough to allow one-way traffic.

My gaze drifts back to the sticky note, and my stomach starts to churn as I finally make myself read it.