Page 14 of ProtectHER

It wastime to get back to business. The faster I figured out what the hell was going on, the faster I could get out of town and away from the temptation that resided in my home.

It was mid-morning, and I hadn’t heard from Sawyer yet. Reaching for my phone, I sent off a quick text.

Max:Where are you? We need to talk.

Sawyer:I had to fly to Amsterdam to investigate a message I received from an asset.

Max:I need an office and a computer. Can I use your office?

Sawyer:Help yourself. I’ll let Ginny know you’ll be coming by today.

Max:Thanks man.

Once I was dressed, I stuck my head in Evie’s door to tell her I’d be gone for a little bit and to call me if she needed anything. All I got as a response was a quick nod of her head. I stood there staring at her for a second, but she wouldn’t acknowledge my presence.

Before walking out the door, I set the alarm on the house, and once my Benz cleared the gate, I activated the sensors around the perimeter.

Thirty minutes later, I pulled into the underground garage of the CIA building and parked my car in a visitor's spot. When I exited on the third floor, Ginny stood from her desk. “You must be Max. Sawyer did an excellent job at describing you.”

Ginny was easily in her fifties. Her jet-black hair was pulled tight into a bun, and she wore patent leather flats and a black skirt that ended mid-calf. Time hadn’t been good to her. Dry skin, yellow teeth, and the wrinkles above her lips gave away her smoking habit. “Thank you. I shouldn’t be long; I have to research a few things, and then I’ll be out of your hair.”

Sawyer's computer was on when I sat behind his desk.Why would his laptop be on if he was out of town? Just another item that wasn’t adding up. It took a little bit to get logged in under my name, but once I was in, I quickly searched for known acquaintances of Konstantin and Vladislav. Only one name appeared on both of their bios, Rostropovich Zarkhov.

As I waited for the database to search Rostropovich, I took the opportunity to dig around in Sawyer's office. As I suspected, the drawers on his desk were locked. But that never stopped me from gaining access to something I needed. It took me a few minutes to unlock the drawer on the right, but as I pulled it open, I saw the envelope I’d handed him when I returned from Russia. The envelope lay partially under a few loose papers. As I unfolded the note, I began to read.

The smoke will be heavy at the firehouse around nine on Wednesday, August 5th. Wear your helmet and call ahead. The recruits are waiting for their new assignments, and the green extinguisher is the one you want.

The fifth was today. If Sawyer was telling the truth, the exchange was going down in less than eight hours. Folding the note back up, I placed it back in the envelope and tucked it back under the paper.

I printed off two copies of the information I’d obtained on Rostropovich. One I tucked in my pocket, and the other I left on Sawyer's desk with a sticky note. “This could be one of your problems. I’m going to look into him tonight.”

Not wanting to leave Evie alone too long, I signed off the laptop and shut the door behind me. I stopped at Ginny’s desk to say goodbye. “I’m done now. I left something for Sawyer on his desk. Do you know when he’ll be back from Amsterdam?”

Ginny gave me a weary look. “Sawyer’s not in Amsterdam. He went to follow up on a lead he got this morning here locally.”

“Thank you, Ginny. I must have misunderstood him. It was noisy where I was this morning. Have a nice day.”

This is the second time something my best friend told me was a lie. Something was going on that he didn’t want me to know about. I intended to call him on his shit when my phone rang, and the caller ID readHer. “Hey, beautiful, I’m on my way back. Do you need me to pick something up for you?”

“Max, I think someone is in the house. I heard noises and got out of bed. When I got to the top of the stairs, I thought I saw a shadow, but it disappeared. I’m scared.”

My heart began to pound uncontrollably in my chest. “Evie, go into my room and go into my bathroom. A floor-to-ceiling mirror is next to the closet, and a keypad is inside the closet door. Punch in 358719, and the mirror will pop open. Go inside and push the green button. That will close the mirror door. I’ll hold on while you do that.”

I heard the beeping of the keypad and then a swoosh sound and a long beep. “Okay, Max, I’m in your safe room.”

“Good girl. The glass is bulletproof, but I don’t think anyone will know you are in there. Put your phone on silence, and I’ll call you when I am on the grounds.” I waited a few seconds and said, “You’re safe; don’t forget it.”

Instead of comingthrough the drive, I went through the trees and along the water's edge. I was using the brush as a cover to enter my house through the garage. There was no sign of anyone on the bottom floor. Step by step, I eased my way up the stairs. Sounds of a commotion came from the room at the end of the hall—the room Evie occupied.

My chest constricted as I moved closer. Had she decided to come out from the safe room? I heard a male voice as I reached for the door to push it open. “She’s not here.” The Russian accent was very distinct. “She has to be. It was confirmed.” Another voice spoke—this one from a much older man. “Da, but she is not here now. We should go.”

Without giving it another thought, I pushed the door open, pistol aimed at the two men. Both lunged at me, catching me off guard. I hadn’t expected them to be so bold, and I underestimated them, which almost cost me my life. Taking cover on the opposite side of the bed, I fired a shot and struck the young Russian in the chest, dropping him to the ground. But the older one fired simultaneously, hitting me in the leg as he lunged for the door. I ran after him dragging my injured leg along, hitting the stairs, and losing footage. I tumbled from top to bottom, firing one last shot at the man as he dashed out the front door and missed.

Chapter Fourteen

The Jig Is Up

“Oh my God, Max,”Evie exclaimed as she ran down the stairs.

K.L. Myers's Novels