Page 13 of Marquess of Fortune


The following Monday, Emily stood just inside the orphanage’s foyer next to the door, Mirabelle to her right, their arms linked. The sun shone in through the windows, speckling the floor with patches of merry light.

“Are you certain your carriage was supposed to pick you up at one?” Mirabelle asked as she craned her neck to peek out the nearby window.

“I’m certain,” Emily lied to her friend as her chest tightened in guilt. She knew that her carriage was not due to arrive until nearly two.

She nipped her lip.

Perhaps she should have just told Mirabelle the truth. She’d created this ruse to see Mirabelle’s brother, Ace.

Dastardly, she knew.

But the Earl of Somersworth’s words had been echoing in her head for days. Had she mistaken her feelings for Smith?

Had she allowed her fancy for him before they’d even met to color her dance with him? Make her believe there was an excitement there that didn’t actually exist?

And if it did, if what she’d felt was real, what of her decision to attract his attention? If she could learn to do that, then surely, she’d be ready to find a husband.

Much as Emily suspected that she had a special connection with Lord Smith, she wished… Well, she wanted to be married. And partly why she’d wished to meet Smith in the first place. Somehow she knew that what he stirred in her was the key to unlocking her feminine power, which she desperately needed to find.

She’d been invisible for so long. And one meeting with Lord Smith, Ace, and another man, an earl, had expressed his interest.

What was more, the earl was handsome, powerful, and even more unbelievable, he wanted her. Emily Boxby. Awkward sister to the baron. In so many ways she logically knew that Lord Somersworth was a sounder choice.

There were no questions about his title. He was already friends with her brother. A life with him would be so easy.

Her stomach churned at the idea of marrying a man she didn’t love. Would she grow to feel the emotion in time? Somersworth had always been so kind.

Perhaps she’d misunderstood her reaction to Lord Smith.

Maybe she’d simply reacted to any handsome man laying favor on her and if she saw him again…

She’d realize what?

That Lord Smith wasn’t special. That her reaction to him was just her aching heart responding to the attention of a handsome man. But she’d had these feelings before they’d even met and…

She drew in a shuddering breath. There was only one way to know for certain. And that was to see him again.

“I’m sure it’s all right.” Mirabelle patted her arm, mistaking Emily’s source of emotional distress. “Likely your driver just became confused.”

Her driver and footman were accustomed to her weekly trips to the orphanage and left her in the care of the headmistress of the facility, arriving to pick her up at promptly two in the afternoon every Monday.

“I’m sure you’re right,” she answered with a weak smile. She hoped Mirabelle mistook that weak smile for worry and not guilt. “They’ll be here soon.”

“My brother will be here any moment.” Mirabelle continued patting. “If your carriage hasn’t arrived, we can escort you home.”

Emily’s heart jumped. That was the exact invitation she’d hoped for and yet more guilt twisted her stomach. “Oh, that’s not necessary. I’m sure they’ll be here at two. They likely just forgot the change in schedule.” Because I never told them.

Mirabelle shook her head. “I insist. You’ll like my brother. He’s very noble when it comes to caring for others.”

Emily winced as she turned to Mirabelle. She should have told Mirabelle earlier as they chatted while serving the orphans their noon meal. But it had been busy and she’d not known where to begin. “I…I met him.”

“You did?” Mirabelle’s eyes grew wide. “When?”

“The soiree on Saturday evening,” She bit harder on her lip. “I recognized him and he spoke with my brother…” She was bungling her words. Not wanting to lie. Afraid to tell Mirabelle that she’d developed a bit of a crush…

Mirabelle’s eyes grew wide. “Your brother is the baron my brothers have been discussing?”