Page 21 of Marquess of Fortune

“I’ll not work with you again.”

Ace shook his head. “I’ve asked other men but they want to know the revenue potential. If I could share some information from the Den of Sins—”

“No.” East stood and fisted his hands at his sides.


“I’ve been more than generous. The money in that bag not only terminates our partnership but our relationship.”

Ace’s lip curled in distaste. “Your wife. Was she well off before you married her?”

East gave him a questioning glare. “What does that have to do with anything?”

“You have two half-sisters, you know. Two half-sisters who’d like to marry someday. Have families of their own. They don’t need to marry lords but I’m trying to provide humble dowries for them. Some chance at a future. I get that you don’t like me, perhaps you hate our brothers too. But Mirabelle and Anna are two of the sweetest girls and they need help.” More words bubbled to the surface. So odd. He never overshared.

Emotions long bottled were pushing their way through and if he didn’t stop now, they might all come spilling out.

He clamped his lips shut. He was about to lose his pride in addition to the possibility of failing his family after all.

East opened his mouth, his face creased as though Ace’s words had caused him pain. Or perhaps that was just anger over the past. More likely, it was the latter.

With that thought, he spun on heel and stormed out the door. His past with East was too raw to move forward into the future. He’d have to find another way.