Page 34 of Marquess of Fortune

Why would he call on Ace now?

The carriage pulled into the back alley, his driver familiar with the location and the procedure.

Ace entered through the back, moving past the offices. East was not in his, so he and Boxby continued into the front room.

He heard Boxby’s rush of breath as they entered, the lighting dim but still gleaming off the highly polished tables. The club was filling quickly, the tables having several guests each.

Crystal glasses winked with a rainbow of liquids from dark red to bubbling gold champagne and quiet laughter added to the ambiance of the room. “The Den of Sins,” Ace said as he looked back at Boxby. “Would you care to join a table while I find out what East needs?”

Boxby gave him a sidelong glance. “I don’t get to attend your meeting?”

Ace raised a brow. Boxby would not meet with Ace’s legitimate brother. “I’m afraid not.”

Boxby grimaced. “And here I thought we were becoming friends.”

“We are business partners. A relationship I take seriously.”

“Do you?” East asked joining them from Ace’s left.

Ace knew that his brother suspected Ace was part of the thefts but he’d never partake in such activities. Even he had his limits. He looked at his brother, hiding his glower. “East. Always a pleasure.”

“And you, Ace.” East’s gaze narrowed. “Baron Boxby. Nice to see you again.”

“And you,” Boxby replied.

“How do you know Lord Smith?”

Boxby cleared his throat. “I’m buying into Hell’s Corner.”

East cocked his head to the side. “Is that right?”

Ace drew in a long slow breath. What did East think of all this? Ace didn’t want his brother’s opinion to matter, but somehow, what the other man thought of him did. Emily had surely opened some emotional tap that he now couldn’t seem to turn off. “I told you, East. I need Hell’s Corner to be a success.”

“I know.” East gave a quick nod. “That’s part of the reason I’ve asked you here.”

That surprised him and his chin pulled back as his lips parted. “Really? There isn’t an emergency?”

East looked at Boxby before his gaze settled back on Ace. “Apologies if I led you to believe something was amiss. I only wished you to come quickly because I realized I had erred and…” The other man paused with a slight wince. “Since he’s your partner, I can share this in front of him. I’d like to buy shares in Hell’s Corner as well.”

Ace swallowed his lump of surprise. East had just removed him from the Den of Sins. Why would he wish to take part in Hell’s Corner?

“Excellent,” Boxby crowed. “When I tell Upton and Somersworth, they are sure to join as well.”

“Somersworth? We’ve got an earl already,” Ace replied before he’d thought the words through. What had gotten into him? But he already knew. He could swear that the longer he knew Emily, the more like her he became. Sharing his feelings about Somersworth unguarded. He ought to be worried about why his brother had taken a sudden interest in his club. Did East intend him or his siblings harm?

Boxby only chuckled. “In this he’ll be a good partner, and I already told you, he’ll not marry Emily.”

East’s brows raised. “Emily?”

Bloody hell. Was he going to have to explain how he’d fallen in love with a woman of the peerage?

Boxby rolled his eyes. “Ace is infatuated with my sister.”

And now they were talking about him like he wasn’t even there.

“Really?” East asked with a grin. “And will he win her?”

Boxby’s look of amusement turned dark in an instant. “No.”

East raised his brows. “I see.” And then he gestured Ace forward. “Come. We’ve other business to discuss. Boxby, enjoy the club.”

Ace followed, wondering about Emily and Hell’s Corner in equal measures. Of course, Emily would never be Ace’s but the constant reminder cut him to the bone.

And what did East want from Ace’s club?

But he shook his head, shaking off his disappointment as he looked at his brother’s back. He needed to focus as he readied himself for the discussion ahead.