Page 39 of Marquess of Fortune


Ace woke the next morning to a knock at his bedroom door.

“Ace?” Anna called, her high voice making him smile despite the exhaustion that pulled at every limb.

“What is it?” he asked, propping on one elbow as he scrubbed his face, trying to clear the sleep fog from his mind.

“A missive arrived for you. From a Baron Boxby. I thought…”

He stripped back the covers, shrugging on a shirt and breeches before he crossed the room to open the door.

His angelic sister stood on the other side, nibbling at her lip. “I’m sorry to wake you.”

“It’s all right,” he said, lightly ruffling her hair. At seventeen, it likely was no longer an appropriate gesture but he supposed he still thought of her as the baby of the family. He took the missive she held, tearing it open.

His mouth parted in surprise at the invitation to walk in the park with the baron and his sister.

What could this meeting be about?

If it was just with Boxby, he’d understand that they’d be discussing business or the events of last night.

Or if Mirabelle had come to ask him to escort her, he’d know the Emily and Mirabelle were conspiring. But an invitation to see both the Boxbys together…

All the sleep vanished from his mind as he started down to the kitchen to heat the water for a bath.

Three hours later, he found himself at the entrance of Hyde Park.

He caught sight of brother and sister walking toward him, both looking as pensive as he felt.

But the moment his gaze caught Emily’s, her face broke out into a large, unguarded smile. And everything in him relaxed.

What was it about this woman that brought him such untamable joy?

He took a half step forward, his heart kicking up in his chest.

Boxby waved. “Good to see you looking so well.”

He nodded. They’d returned to the club to tell East all that they’d discovered. The fire had been doused, Edge had been found, and Arabella had seemed fine, a relief to be certain. What was more, the group of owners had all arrived and they’d decided to hand the location of the thieves over to the crown. A group of men that size required the military. “You too.”

Boxby nodded and the three of them began to walk. To Ace’s surprise, Boxby fell behind, allowing Ace to escort Emily. “You’re sure you’re all right?” she asked, her hand slipping into the crook of his arm.

He looked at her profile, the air stalling in his throat as he cleared it. “I’m fine.”

She nodded. “That’s good. I just needed to see you for myself after last night.”

Had she been worried? What had Boxby told her?

What would it be like to have a woman worry after him like this all the time? That was one of the traits that was so tempting about this woman. After a life of caring for everyone else, she soothed him. “Emily,” he whispered her name. “I’m fine. Better. Thanks to you, I’ve been able to fund the club and provide for my—”

“Oh but,” she started, biting her lip. “Wasn’t your other club attacked? Is it safe?”

He smiled a bit despite himself. “It’s safe enough. Many businesses have their dangers.”

“But you could be hurt!”

He wished to wrap his arm about her, wrap her up against his side. “It’s an unfortunate drawback of being male, I suppose. But the choice has already been made. I can’t afford to change it and I need to see it through in order to see my family’s finances secured.” Besides, he’d never been the sort of man to let a bit of danger scare him away from anything.

She glanced back at her brother before her gaze returned to Ace. “I could help you. I have an inheritance. With it—”