Page 41 of Marquess of Fortune

“Did it…did it have to do with last night?”

“Likely, it did.” He pulled her even closer, his eyes closing for a moment. “I’ve brought trouble to your door.”

She shook her head. She could see why he’d say that. He had asked her brother to join his club. But he was not responsible for the criminals that had just attacked them. “That’s not true.”

“Emily.” He drew in a ragged breath then pulled back to look down into her eyes. “I’m a criminal. I’ve lied, I’ve falsified documents. I’ve spied on my own brother for my gain. And that trouble will find you. It already has.”

Pain radiated through her at his words. But then she straightened. “You have been protecting and providing for your family under harrowing circumstances. I refuse to see you for anything other than what you are. A provider. A brave, kind man.” Then she touched his cheek. “You just saved my life, Ace. Tell me I’m not safer by your side.”

Pain clouded his features as slid a hand down her back. “I’ve already told you. My future is nothing but grim.”

She’d share her heart and for once, she’d not apologize for it. “And what will mine be like without you?” She stared up at him, needing him to understand. “I’ll never feel for anyone else the way I do you.”

For a moment he just stared at her and then he began to lower his head as though he would kiss her.

Her breath caught.

“Ace,” Ken called from the other side of the trees. “I’ve got the carriage.”

Ace’s head snapped up as he, still holding her close, began moving them both toward the vehicle.

“What happens next?” she asked, wrapping an arm about his waist.

“We get you to safety.”

She nodded, but what she really wished to know was what happened next between them.