Page 43 of Marquess of Fortune

Mirabelle was next, racing down the stairs toward him.

Then came Triston, Gris, and Fulton all of them with brown hair and piercing dark eyes. Rush filing in last, his dark eyes piercing into Ace’s as he stood up straighter, pushing to the front.

And everyone was talking.

The babble of questions so loud, no one person could be heard.

He was used to it all.


“We need to attend your wound,” Emily’s voice called over the din, quieting everyone as she threaded her arm through her brother’s.

“My arm is fine,” he said, despite the pain. It was the least of his concerns at the moment. “I’m more concerned about what might happen next.”

“Precisely. That’s why we should take your sisters and leave London. Now. Are you capable of the journey?” Emily’s jaw was set at a jaunty, commanding angle that he’d never seen before.

The room went dead silent in a second as everyone turned to her.

“Yes. I’ll be fine.”

“What did you just say?” Rush asked Emily before turning to him. “What happened to your arm?”

“Who is this?” Triston demanded, his arms crossing over his massive chest.

“Leave London?” Anna gasped. “For how long?”

Mirabelle came to Emily’s side, a soft smile on her lips. “What have you done with my shy friend?”

Emily laughed, a light sound that filled Ace with a bit of hope.

Boxby met his eye, giving a slight nod of affirmation.

Looking at his brothers Ace made a decision. “I’ve got a few minutes to tell you everything and then Miss Boxby is right. I’m going to take the girls away from London. Both the Den of Sins and Hell’s Corner will need your help.”

He watched his brothers react, Gris pulling up straighter, his chest puffing out and Rush rumbled, his fists clenching at his sides.

Gris, always the lady’s man, winked at Emily, while Triston punched Gris in the arm, saving Ace the trouble.

Of course, Gris didn’t know Ace hadn’t shared his feelings for Emily with anyone, but if Gris winked like that again, he’d be facing his eldest brother’s wrath.

Boxby stepped closer to Ace. “I’ll stay with the women. You explain to your brothers.”

Ace nodded. “I’ll have to write to East as well. He needs to know.” And then he looked at Rush. “You’ll have to deliver the message.”

“To him?” Rush asked his lip curling.

But Ace shook his head. “And you’ll have to be civil. He may now stand between us and the devil that nips at our heels.”

Rush’s teeth clenched together. “Explain.”

Ushering his brothers into the living room, he quickly detailed the events of last night and how East had given him the paperwork and partnership to secure the future of their club.

“You’re jesting,” Gris growled out. “He, of all people, helped us?”

Ace debated telling them about East’s request to meet his sisters. “Tell him we’re going to travel with Boxby but that we’ll be back in London as soon as I know it’s safe. What’s more, tell him that you’ll divide your numbers to protect both clubs.”

“Why are we protecting our competition?” Rush asked, shifting to lean casually against the wall. It was an act. His brother was anything but casual.