Page 47 of Marquess of Fortune

Ken had dutifully gone to Ace’s room and come back reporting that the man was fine.

When she’d asked what he meant by fine, Ken had given her an incredulous look. “Fine is fine.”

She’d attempted not to huff an annoyed breath but failed. “Fine gives me absolutely no information.”

Ken’s brows had drawn together. “Why have you become so surly? It’s exactly the information you asked for.”

She lifted her hands to either side as she punctuated the air. “Surly? I’m not surly, I’m just no longer complacent. And why you can’t understand that I’d like more information about the health of a man who suffered a wound while saving my life, I’ll never know. But rest assured, I do need more. I’m worried about him.”

Ken had given her an odd look, before he’d let out a long sigh. “I’ll ask again. But perhaps you might understand that he only wishes to share so much with me. Men don’t go about just talking about their feelings with each other, you know.”

Emily shook her head. She did know.

Which was why there was little to do but go ask herself. And not in a visit that was watched. Ace would be unlikely to share anything with Ken or servants in attendance.

She waited until the house had quieted and then wrapping her dressing gown tightly around her middle, she’d set out without even a candle. Best not to announce her nightly activities.

She’d crept up the flight of stairs to Ace’s room, knowing the one in which he’d been placed.

Standing outside the door, she drew in a fortifying breath before she raised her hand and softly knocked.

He didn’t call out and she shifted, wondering if he was there. Was Ace sleeping?

But a moment later, the door opened and he appeared, quickly pulling her inside before he closed the door again.

Emily didn’t have a moment to even ask a question before his lips had descended over hers, their bodies pressed together in the most satisfying way as her back thumped against the closed door.

She wrapped her hands about his neck, her fingers playing over his skin as their tongues danced together. Minutes passed before they broke apart long enough for her to ask. “You’re all right, then?”

“Fine,” he murmured before he captured her lips again. Why did the word on his lips have so much more meaning?

Perhaps because she could feel just how well he was doing. His arms were as strong as ever. His lips confident and in command, his body muscular and hard against her soft curves. “I’ve been so worried.”

“About me?” He smiled before he gave her another, softer brush of lips. “Emily, what have I done to deserve such tenderness?”

She blinked in surprise. What had he done? But before she began the list, he kissed her again, his tongue sliding along the seam of her lips. She sighed into his mouth, so glad to be with him again. “I’ve missed you,” she murmured against him.

He lifted away a bit. “I’ve missed you too.”

“Your wound is healing? No fever?”


“You’ll be all right?”


She laughed a little at the word and likely because relief made her limbs limp. “Oh, thank goodness.”

He swiped a thumb over her cheek. “And you? Have you recovered from your scare?”

She stared up at him. “I’m fine.” She shook her head. Why did he even need to ask? “I’m not the one who was shot.”

He gave her a small, one-sided smile, the sort that made her stomach flip in the strangest way. “It’s only a graze, love.”

That word, love, on his lips made her stomach flip again, her heart hammering in her chest as she looked up at him. “Ace.”

He lowered his head, slowly, deliberately, his lips melding to hers as his hands slid to her jaw, cupping her face between them as he tasted her over and over. “I’m sorry I worried you.”