Page 50 of Marquess of Fortune

That cut deep. Far worse than the wound on his arm. “I have chosen you, Emily. Don’t you understand that? You think I’ll marry someone else? I won’t. I’ve chosen to put your life and your needs over my own desires. I’d give anything…anything to be with you. But I won’t hurt you that way. Not ever.”

He heard her rush of breath, her hand covering her mouth.

He stepped up to her, reaching down to pull her in his arms again, and then quietly, he slipped open the door and carried her up to her room.

After she entered her room, closing the door and locking it behind her, he let out a long exhale of regret.

He wasn’t sure which part of the evening he should have done differently but he knew he’d erred.

Rubbing his temples, he started back for his room. Stopping, he looked back at the door. Should he knock and attempt to explain more?

Explain what?

He’d spoken the truth.

With another deep sigh of regret, he returned to his bed chamber.

Emily stared out the window, the bright and sunny day mocking her tired eyes. After she’d left Ace, she’d hardly slept a wink.

Because his words had settled somewhere deep inside. There was the rejection of course. But underneath that hurt, she believed him.

She’d always believed him. Believed that he was a good man despite the lies, believed that he understood her like no one else. Believed that he told her the truth, he was choosing not to give her a future with him for her own benefit.

Was she a fool? Perhaps. But for the first time in her life, her foolishness was hers to own and suffer the consequences of alone.

And deep in her heart, she believed that he shared her feelings and wanted what was best for her.

But she also knew he cared deeply for his siblings, which meant they couldn’t just run away together. She’d not leave Ken, and Ace would never leave his family either.

Which made the situation near hopeless.

Tears pricked at her eyes but she blinked them away, determined not to indulge in the emotion that had plagued her all morning.

She sat in the library, a book in her lap that she’d yet to even open as she looked out over the grounds.

She’d always loved this place, felt at peace here in ways she never did in the city. But not today.

“Don’t you look dreadful!” Mirabelle called from the doorway as she rushed into the room, her sister Anna just behind her.

Anna, exceptionally quiet, was near angelic in her appearance with large blue eyes and lush blonde hair. She looked far more like a renaissance painting than an actual person.

“Do I?” she asked with a sigh. “I feel fairly awful too.”

Mirabelle grimaced. “You and Ace. I finally saw him today and while he’s up and moving, he’s as grumpy as I’ve ever seen him.”

“He was shot,” Anna said, raising a single finger.

“He didn’t look bothered by that,” Mirabelle said, her hands coming to her hips. But then they dropped again as she slid into the seat across from Emily. “But you don’t need to hear all this. I’m sorry. I already asked for your aid and you gave it. I just thought that he’d be happier once he got what he wanted.”

“Happier?” Emily asked as she leaned forward, her attention on Mirabelle even sharper than it had been before.

“He’s not sad, just quiet,” Anna replied. “Like me.” But her mouth dipped into a frown. “Isn’t he?”

Emily looked back and forth between the two sisters. Ace was always so strong and capable but was he hurting? He’d had so much responsibility. And such a heavy burden to bear.

Mirabelle shook her head. “I’m not so certain. I know he’s the one who was given the title thanks to our father, but it’s come with so much worry. Of providing. And then there’s the risk of being caught.”

“He talks about that a great deal. The fact that he has no future. And he won’t marry because of it.”