Page 129 of Mistakes Were Made

Acacia [9:02 PM]

Remember how you’re not supposed to tell me about your sex life?

Cassie [9:02 PM]

You asked

Cassie heard the shower turn off as she got dressed. She was fine, really. Being into Erin was not a big deal. She deleted her recent messages and went to get cash for the delivery guy.

Erin woke Cassie up with her mouth.

Cassie came two minutes before she needed to be awake for work.

“Good timing,” she said when she realized it.

“I checked when your alarm was,” Erin explained. “And acted accordingly.”

Okay, who wouldn’t be into this woman?

Cassie had convinced herself the wholeI love youalmost-slip was only because of a couple orgasms. She didn’t love Erin; she was just into her. Which was still scary as fuck, but she could handle it.

And she was handling it. Dinner last night had been fine. Erin was so easy to be around; even when Cassie was having a minor panic attack about being into her friend’s mom, Erin had made her feel comfortable. They shared orange chicken and chow fun and crab Rangoons. Cassie had saidyou’re perfectinstead ofthank you,and Erin gave an adorable little smile in response.

Now she’d given Cassie an orgasm without making her even a minute late for work. It was totally reasonable that Cassie was into her, and it wasn’t a big deal.

Over breakfast, Cassie asked, “Did you have a patient yesterday or something? Why’d you come down?”

“No patient,” Erin said. “You said you were having a long day, and I thought I’d surprise you.”

Cassie flushed. She wondered if it was right before her period or something—she swore she wasn’t usually this stupid about having feelings for someone.

“And maybe I’ve been thinking of surprising you ever since you gave us your spare key.” Erin shrugged, then lost the battle to a grin.

“You wait two months and then picked this week to surprise me? Did you forget I’m coming up for a long weekend?”

“Speaking of, what if you came up Friday night instead ofSaturday?” Erin asked. “That way you can meet Acacia at the airport, too.”

“I would, but Parker’s at Adam’s isn’t she?”

“Why do you think I’m asking you to come up early?” Erin smirked and waggled her eyebrows. “I’ll even make you dinner first.”

Cassie ignored the way her stomach churned. Erin obviously wasn’t using her for sex—she’d come down to the city just because Cassie had had a bad day. Even if shewereusing Cassie for sex, who cared? Getting used for sex by a MILF was basically a porno fantasy. Cassie should be honored, not upset.

Last night was their first night alone since spring break. Sure, Cassie snuck down the hallway most Saturday nights—and one particularly memorable one, Erin had done the sneaking—but Parker was always there. They had to be careful, and quiet, and quick. An entire night just the two of them, no worries about Parker or work in the morning?

“I’ll head up after work.”

When they said goodbye, Erin kissed her on the street by her bike, dirty and long, tugging a bit at the collar of her riding jacket.

“See you Friday.” She made it sound like a promise.

Yeah, there was absolutely no way Cassie was doing anything to fuck this up. Feelings or not, she did not want this to stop.

Midmorning, Acacia texted.

Acacia [9:50 AM]

Did you survive the night?