Page 18 of Mistakes Were Made

“I don’t know, Kaysh. Nothing. You’re not supposed to do anything with it. I just needed to tell someone.”

“Oh, you needed to tell someone you fucked Parker’s mom before you knew her, then did it again ather daughter’s a cappella concert?”

“No! God, we didn’t do it at the concert,” Cassie said. “We just made out and I felt her up, Jesus.”

“Because that’s so much better?”

“Yeah, actually, it is,” Cassie snapped.

Acacia stared at her. Cassie saw the exact moment her glare started to soften, and it wasn’t long until she was cracking up like she had when she thought Cassie was joking.

“Oh my God,” she wheezed, could barely breathe from laughing so hard. “Oh my God, you fucked Parker’s mom and now you’re hung up on her. This ishilarious.”

Cassie got up. She needed another drink if she was going to deal with this.

“I am nothung upon Erin,” she said, setting her glass down a little too hard on the kitchen counter.

Acacia laughed some more. “You so are, though!”

Cassie left the tonic out and threw back some vodka from the bottle.

“You’re so hung up on her, you had to tell me about it weeks later. Have you been thinking of her this whole time?”

“No,” Cassie bit out the lie immediately.

She drank some more, grateful for the warm way it made her head spin.

Acacia finally stopped laughing. She rose from the couch andcame into the kitchen. Her big brown eyes were full of way too much understanding.

“Cassie,” she said quietly.

Cassie tried to glare at her, but the look probably came across more desperate than anything.

“C’mon, babe,” Acacia said, taking the vodka bottle out of Cassie’s hand and putting it on the counter. “Come tell me about it. Feel free to skip over the details, though.”

Cassie followed her to the couch. They sat down again, Acacia still holding Cassie’s hand. Cassie told her everything. Acacia was silent until Cassie mentioned stumbling off the curb and Erin catching her.

“Shit, Klein, you are so fucked.”

“What?” That was like, the least bad part of this story. She’d fucked her friend’s mom and played footsie with her while at the same table as her daughter, but letting Erin catch her before she face-planted was what fucked Cassie over?

“So distracted staring into this woman’s eyes you fall over? And don’t mind when she catches you? With most people, you’d rather eat pavement than let them put their hands on you. I was mostly kidding about you being hung up on her, but damn.”

“Whatever,” Cassie said, because wanting to fuck her again and being hung up on her were two very different things.

Acacia went back to quiet listening until Cassie finished her story. She smirked before she opened her mouth, and Cassie knew she was going to hate whatever Kaysh said next.

“So you made out with my brother because you were sexually frustrated about Parker’s mom?” she said. “That is too good.”

“I hate you,” Cassie said.

Acacia beamed. “Actually, you don’t.”

“Actually, I do.”
