Page 33 of Mistakes Were Made

I’m actually going to die.

Acacia [9:34 PM]

That bad?

It wasn’t. And it was only two weeks. Dinner had been fine, not counting that one conversation. But Cassie couldn’t tense up every time Erin smiled at her. Erin wasn’t flirting. She wasn’t interested. She’d made that clear. Which wouldn’t be a big deal if Cassie could just get over herself.

Acacia [9:47 PM]

Get some sleep. It’ll be better in the morning. No jet lag and stuff.

Acacia [9:48 PM]

Also wtf just control yourself?

Cassie pretty much agreed with all of that.

The next day, Cassie woke up before she wanted to. During finals, she’d lived off coffee and any energy drink she could get her hands on. She needed caffeine.

She mostly stumbled down the stairs, eyes not fully open yet.The door to Parker’s bedroom was still closed. Erin was sitting on a stool at the kitchen island when Cassie walked in. She gave her a smile.

“Good morning.”

“Morning.” Cassie tried not to sound too grouchy. She stifled a yawn. “Coffee?”

Erin gestured to the pot. “Cups are in the cupboard above it.”

Cassie grabbed the first mug she could reach and didn’t realize until she was pouring her cup that it saidWORLD’S BEST MOMon it. She didn’t care. It was everything she could do not to gulp it down steaming and black. She didn’t even like black coffee, but it smelled so good, and her head pounded. Erin pushed a carton of cream toward her on the counter; the sugar was next to it. A splash and a spoonful and as Cassie lifted the cup to her lips, Erin interrupted her.

“I hope you don’t mind that it’s decaf.”

Cassie sputtered. “It’swhat?”

Erin’s eyes crinkled when she laughed. It’d be pretty if she weren’t literally laughing in Cassie’s face.

“Teasing,” she said.

“That’s rude,” Cassie said, and drank half her cup in one go.

Erin was still chuckling when Cassie plopped onto the stool next to her. Their elbows bumped together and Cassie immediately pulled hers away.

“Did you sleep well?” Erin asked, getting up to put the cream in the fridge.

Cassie nodded. “Not long enough, though. Parker better have a nap planned into our day.”

Erin turned back to Cassie and leaned against the counter toward her, stretching her shoulders. Cassie was now awake enough to remember Erin was really freakin’ attractive. The way Erin smiled at her made her wonder if her thoughts were written all over her face. She looked at the coffee left in her cup.

“Don’t worry,” Erin said. “Knowing Parker, she’ll see every single person she wants to see over the course of two days, and then be exceptionally lazy for the rest of break.”

“That’s what I like to hear,” Cassie said. She glanced at Erin, who was still smiling at her. Cassie told herself the warmth in her chest was from the coffee.

“Would you like me to make you something for breakfast?” Erin offered.

Cassie didn’t want to sound rude, but: “I’m an adult. I can make my own breakfast.”

“You’re a guest, Cassie,” Erin said. “And I’m a good hostess. And you probably eat horribly at college.”

Cassie smirked and responded without thinking. “I’ve been told I’m very good at eating, actually.”