Page 45 of Mistakes Were Made

Cassie must’ve made a face, because Erin said, “I know. I can’t help my terrible handwriting.”

“She’s a doctor, what do you expect?” Parker said.

Normally when Cassie got a gift, she ripped the wrapping paper. She loved presents, wanted to know what they were as quickly as possible. But this time, she went slowly. She broke the seal of the tape and unfolded the paper instead of ripping it. Erin was watching, but Cassie couldn’t look at her.

It wasn’t like Erin was going to give her anything inappropriate. Especially not in front of Parker. There was no reason for Cassie to be nervous, but she was.

Inside the wrapping paper was a box with a lid. She opened it to find a necklace, delicate silver chain and a trinket hanging down. It was a rocket ship. She bit her lip, tamped what wanted to be a huge grin into a small smile.

“It’s great,” she said, aware that her voice was strained.

“Let me see,” Parker said.

“I saw it and thought of Parker calling you an astronaut, and—well, I just thought you’d like it.”

Cassie finally looked at her. Color was rising on Erin’s cheeks.

“I do,” Cassie said. “I love it.”

“Let me see it!” Parker repeated her demand.

Cassie passed her the box. Parker’s eyes got wide when she saw what it was, but she smiled.

“Ooh, it’s pretty!”

As soon as Parker passed it back to her, Cassie put the necklace on.

Erin stammered. “I mean—you don’t have to—”

“Shut up, Erin,” Cassie laughed. “I want to.”

Parker gave her a look, and Cassie ducked her head, fiddling with the necklace.

“Mom, your turn again,” Parker said.

Erin got scrub caps with little bi flags on them and a book. Parker got a book, too, and gave Cassie a gift card to an online mechanic shop. It was everything Cassie could do not to get on her computer immediately to look at their huge selection of tools.

Erin offered to get them second Danishes—a third, for Parker—and they agreed wholeheartedly.

When Erin was out of the room, Parker cleared her throat. She didn’t meet Cassie’s eyes because she was looking at the necklace instead. Cassie swallowed.

“What?” she said.

“I’m sorry if it’s weird,” Parker said quickly. “The necklace. I know you haven’t worn one since Seth’s, like…”

That was—not what Cassie was expecting. She blinked.

“I can honestly say Seth didn’t even cross my mind, babe.”

It was the truth. Cassie had absolutely no thoughts about Seth and the star necklace she used to wear. Parker looked like she didn’t believe her. Cassie shrugged.

“It’s a cool necklace,” she said, tugging at the charm.

“What up, losers?” Acacia’s voice came over the speakers before her video kicked in.

“That’s it, Kaysh,” Cassie said. “I’m returning your Christmas present.”

Acacia’s face appeared on their screen. “Don’t lie—you haven’t even bought my present yet. You’re waiting for the sales.”