Page 50 of Mistakes Were Made

“Is this okay?” she asked. “Or—I can wait, if you want. We can talk later.”

“Uh, no,” Cassie said. “It’s okay.”

Through the frosted shower door, Cassie was nothing more than a vague outline. She looked pink, like the shower was too hot. Erin looked away. She was not going to think about water running down Cassie’s naked body. She wasn’t going to think about tracing the rivulets with her tongue. About exploring just how wet Cassie really was. She needed to stop being horny and remember why she came in here.I’d love to come in here.Great, now she was making horrible puns to herself.


Erin jumped when Cassie said her name—jumped, like she was surprised, like she had been so busy daydreaming about fucking Cassie that she had forgotten she was in the room—she jumped and smacked her elbow into the doorknob. “Fuck!”

“Are you okay?”

No. She was very clearly not okay.

“Fine,” she said, rubbing at her elbow. It was good to have something to do with her hands other than imagine them on Cassie.

The bathroom was a mess—Erin had made sure it was spotless before Cassie arrived, but Parker’s toothbrush hung over the edge of the sink, her toothpaste uncapped beside it. There was a hairbrush and no fewer than five hair ties strewn across the counter. Cassie’s rocket ship necklace was there, too.

Erin recapped Parker’s toothpaste, dropped her brush into the toothbrush holder inside one of the vanity drawers. Why Erin kept the toothbrush holder in a drawer when they had guests was anyone’s guess. Could no one know she had good oral hygiene?

“Did you come in here toclean?”

The hair ties escaped Erin’s hands and scattered across the tile floor. She bent to pick them up.

“No. No. I’m—no.”

She had no idea why she’d come in here. She couldn’t believe she had.

“I thought you wanted to apologize,” Cassie said.

Erin smirked as she looped the hair ties over the doorknob. “I thought you couldn’t hear me.”

Score one for Erin.

No, Jesus, not score one for Erin. She wasn’t supposed to be bantering with her kid’s friend. They’d already seen where that led.

Erin stood in front of the sink. The mirror was fogged up. Right. She’d come in because she wanted to get the apology over with. Now that she was actually in the bathroom while Cassie wasnakedin the shower, though, her mind was blank. She forgot everything she’d planned to say. The rocket ship necklace sat on the counter.

“I didn’t mean to make you feel—” She swallowed. Cleared her throat. “I did, actually. This morning, and before, too, when you called about Thanksgiving. The point was to make you feel bad. To push you away. But I didn’twantto.”

“That’s still not an apology.”

Erin took a breath and walked to the shower door. She looked at Cassie, who was still just a blob behind the frosted glass. Shecouldn’t tell if Cassie was looking back, but she must’ve been, right?

“Iamsorry,” Erin said. “I brought up your mom, and you’re right. I know nothing about her or your relationship with her, and that crossed a line. It was cruelty for the sake of cruelty. You didn’t deserve that.”

It was quiet for a moment, no sound but the water hitting the wall, the floor, Cassie’s body.

“I’m sorry I called you a cunt,” Cassie said.

Erin normally wasn’t a huge fan of that word, but God, she liked hearing Cassie say it.

“I’m sorry I was being a cunt.”

“Is there a reason you couldn’t wait until after I showered to tell me this?” Cassie suddenly sounded like she had that first night at the bar. Erin didn’t know what had changed, but the smirk was back in Cassie’s voice. “You talked a big game on the phone about how I wasn’t that irresistible and you’d be able to control yourself, but you don’t seem to be.”

“Cassie,” Erin said, a warning or a concession or maybe both.

Cassie opened the shower door.