Page 70 of Mistakes Were Made

“Go to bed, idiot.”

Cassie smacked Parker on the ass as she turned to go upstairs.

“Wait,” Parker said. “You don’t mind, Mom—do you?”

“Of course not,” Erin said.

Cassie bit back her grin. “Sleep well, princess.”

She disappeared up the stairs and Erin turned to Cassie with a smile. “Ready to go?”

It only took about twenty minutes to get to the airport, and Cassie didn’t mean to fall asleep, but Erin rested her palm over Cassie’s thigh and her eyes got heavy and the next thing she knew Erin was shaking her awake.

“Erin,” Cassie said when she realized they were in a parking garage. “You could have dropped me at the curb.”

“Too late.”

Erin smiled and Cassie rolled her eyes.

“You’re too much.”

“I’ve heard that’s a compliment,” Erin said.

Cassie took a swig from her travel mug instead of replying.

Erin carried her suitcase for her and Cassie rolled her eyes again, but she appreciated it. Her body hadn’t adjusted to the New Hampshire weather, and no part of it wanted to be awake, much less moving. Erin stood close to her all through check-in, and Cassiedouble-checked her ticket on her phone. She handed Erin her empty travel mug.

“Don’t want to steal this,” she said. “But I might need more caffeine. Can I buy you a coffee?”

“You’d have to drink it before security. Do you have enough time?”

“There’s like no line, Erin. It’s fine. As long as you’re okay maybe paying for parking? It said it was only free for the first half hour.”

Erin quirked an eyebrow and echoed Cassie’s words back to her. “It’s like four dollars, Cassie. It’s fine.”

There was a Starbucks near the baggage claim. Cassie bought a vanilla latte for Erin and a caramel macchiato for herself. Their fingers touched when Cassie handed over the cup. Erin smiled at her, and Cassie looked away, her cheeks warm. It was too early.

They sat on a bench by the window, Cassie’s carry-on tucked beside them. Neither said anything. What were you supposed to say to your friend’s mom at the end of your… affair or whatever the fuck they were calling this? Cassie slouched in her seat, stretched her legs out. If her ankle came to rest against Erin’s, so be it. Erin’s eyes crinkled at their corners, and Cassie was pretty sure she was hiding a smile behind her coffee cup. Cassie’s face flushed hotter.

Eventually, there was nothing to do but go through security.

Erin walked her upstairs. It was still too early for the line to be anything other than short, so Cassie and Erin stood off to the side. Cassie shoved her hands in her coat pockets. Erin scratched at her neck.

“So this was fun,” Cassie said. She shifted on her feet.

“Don’t make this awkward, Cassie,” Erin said.

“I’m not!” Cassie protested, knowing she was. “It was fun, for real.”

“It was.”

“Yeah, I’m really glad you stopped denying my hotness.” Cassie grinned.

Erin shoved her shoulder. “You’re an idiot.”

“So I’ve been told.”

There was a moment where they just stood there smiling at each other, then Cassie wasn’t really sure who moved first but suddenly they were kissing.